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Weight Training Routines that Cause Low Back Pain

Back Muscles, Back Pain Treatment, Low Back Pain, Revolving Staircase

Low back pain stinks; it screws up your exercise plans, especially muscle building workouts. Low back muscles are key to many strength training and muscle building workouts. But the causes of low back pain may very well be your strength training exercises.

Barbell routines are notorious for causes of low back pain. In fact, severe lower back pain can result from doing barbell squats with incorrect form. The barbell squat is perhaps the No. 1 cause of workout related low back pain. Other causes of pain in the lower spinal muscles are seated or standing military barbell presses and dumbbell rows.

Exercise routines famous for triggering low back pain:

1) Barbell squats, either with Smith machine barbell or free barbell

2) Seated shoulder presses on exercise equipment

3) Seated shoulder presses with dumbbells or barbell, but no back support.

4) Dumbbell rows

5) Deep declined leg presses

6) Barbell DEADLIFT

7) Biceps curls

8) Barbell bench press

In order for the above weight lifting routines to cause the pain, you must be using BAD form. Even slightly bad form can hurt muscles. And bad weight lifting form is actually very common, and many men and women are completely unaware they have bad weight lifting form. I see it constantly.

In fact, pain in muscles can result from an exercise routine you’d never think could cause the pain. For example, look at the posture of some people who use the revolving staircase. They are slumped over the machine in a twisted, contorted way. If this won’t eventually cause pain, I don’t know what will.

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Note also the posture of people who grip the treadmill. The result is a hunched-forward spinal column. The walking gait is disrupted. The older the man or woman, the more likely holding onto the treadmill will cause pain in the lower spinal area muscles.

When performing strength training routines, either for fitness or building muscles, you must make sure your back is erect (if you are standing), with a very slight arch in the lower back.

Next, do not swing or sway your lower trunk, as in biceps dumbbell curls. Keep your spinal muscles stable. Low back muscles are stabilizers. These small muscles are not designed for force production.

Do stretching exercises for your back. A tight, stiff back is more prone to injury during a deep declined leg press. Loose muscles also have better circulation.

As for barbell squats and the deadlift, have a fitness professional instruct you. Doing these two weight lifting routines incorrectly can really screw up your low back.

When raising a barbell or dumbbells above your head, low back pain can result if your back twists, even slightly, in the process. Make sure everything is as even and symmetrical as possible, including the barbell, and use a back support. Do not do standing shoulder presses with a heavy barbell or heavy dumbbells.