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Weight Loss Foods That Increase the Metabolism

Fat Burning Foods, Pectin

The body’s metabolism is like an engine, when we consume food it is the body’s metabolism that determines whether to store it, use it for energy, or create waste product of what cannot be used. People become fat due to several reasons. These reasons include too much intake of food which gets stored in the body in the form of fat; inactivity of the body or a slow metabolism rate due to which the food consumed is not burnt; or a medical problem.

It is often believed that the way to loose weight is by reducing the food intake. But what if you are told that there are foods that help fuel weight loss? That’s right, foods can change one’s metabolism and certain fat burning foods can even flush out the fat in the body. It is not only cutting on your diet that helps in loosing weight, even increasing your metabolism will do the trick.

The weight loss foods include:

Citrus fruits like, lemons, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit contain a high concentration of Vitamin C which has a fat burning quality. Vitamin C reduces the content of fat and can liquefy or dilute fat. When fat gets diluted it becomes less effective and gets easily flushed out of your body.

Vitamin C also helps in burning cholesterol as a result prevents cholesterol deposits from forming in blood vessels. Adding Citrus Fruits to your diet will help in increasing your metabolism and the ability to get rid of fat. It also helps in keeping a check on cholesterol levels.

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Apples contain a chemical called Pectin. Pectin is also found in most berries and fresh fruits. Pectin has the ability to limit the amount of fat that the cells absorb. It also has the water binding property and absorbs watery substances. These watery substances bombard the cells and make them release fat deposits.

Make use of the power of Pectin by adding Apples, Berries and fresh fruits to your diet. It is said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, now you also know it also keeps fat away!

Garlic juice or garlic oil has a protective quality towards cells and helps in reducing the fat deposits. As a result when garlic is taken it reduces the level of fat in the body. Garlic can also be used to cure many ailments due to its antibiotic property. Including Garlic in your diet helps in fighting bacterial infections and also reducing fat in the cells.


Soybeans contain a chemical called Lecithin which shields cells in the body from accumulation fat. As a result it prevents fat from forming in the cells and also breaks down the fat deposits in the body. Consuming Soybeans three times a week will help boost the body’s ability to get rid of fat tremendously.

Apart from all these foods if you include appetite suppressants like Adipex, Phentermine or Xenical to your diet you will be on the fast track of loosing weight. The foods listed above will increase your metabolism and drugs like Phentermine will help you eat less. You will manage to loose weight at a speed you would have never imagined.

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