Articles for tag: Pears, Pectin

Karla News

How to Make Homemade Pear Jam

Harvesting your own fruit and then canning it into a variety of jams, jellies, whole or halved fruit slices or marmalades is just too much fun and you will end up enjoying your efforts well into the winter. There is nothing much better than hot toast with sweet tasting homemade pear jam on a cold ...

Weight Loss Foods That Increase the Metabolism

The body’s metabolism is like an engine, when we consume food it is the body’s metabolism that determines whether to store it, use it for energy, or create waste product of what cannot be used. People become fat due to several reasons. These reasons include too much intake of food which gets stored in the ...

Karla News

Health Benefits of Apple Pectin

Recent studies, done by the National Food Institute at the University of Denmark, support the long held belief that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. When microbiologists fed rats a diet of apples, apple puree, and apple juice they found an abundance of good bacteria in the gut and digestive systems compared to ...

Karla News

How to Make Homemade Jam and Jelly

So, you love jam on your toast in the morning and on your peanut butter sandwich. You even use it for those thumbprint cookies at Christmas time. You’re paying $2.89 a jar and it’s good, but just think how it would taste if you made it with freshly picked fruit. It’s not hard to do ...