Many people want to work out on their muscles, and a vital muscle is the abs. Read on to see the books helpful to building up those muscles.

7 Weeks to 50 Pull-Ups: Strengthen and Sculpt Your Arms, Shoulders, Back, and Abs by Training to Do 50 Consecutive Pull-Ups by Brett Stewart – In this book you follow a 7 week program to help you build up your muscles in the toughest format. If you are looking to lose weight and gain muscles, this will be great for you. If you are determined, then you can achieve this goal. This book explains no/low cost exercises that are effective and will help in your exercise.

The New Abs Diet by David Zinczenko – The new abs diet has been proven to help people to exercise from scratch to make them healthy as ever. Many people have used this book with success, and instead of making impossible restrictions, it helps you to eat the right foods and consistently. This diet is somewhat unique, it doesn’t ask you to forgo whole nutrient groups (carbs or fats) or count every last calorie. This “new” edition is adding some new updates and different diet plans. This book also tells you about abs and how you can improve on building them.

The New Abs Diet Cookbook: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Automatically Strip Away Belly Fat! By David Zinczenko – This is a follow up on the original Abs Diet, and it has been critically acclaimed as the best food diet book written. There are hundreds of foods that Zinczenko puts in this book and the meals are very easy to cook and great for beginners. These are foods that you can eat every day and you will get slim and get rid of belly fat. These are the best choices of food if you want to stay healthy and want to try something new every day.

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The New Rules of Lifting for Abs: A Myth-Busting Fitness Plan for Men and Women Who Want a Strong Core and a Pain-Free Back by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove – This book is not all just about getting abs. It’s also about mobility, performance, injury prevention, core, or the back. You can trust Schuler and Cosgrove to provide good research about health and they will deliver a solid book to help with dieting and gaining muscle. Schuler gives a great approach to fitness with his comedy and easy rules. It is recommended to buy this if you want to be fit and want an easy way to get some great abs.

The New Abs Diet for Women: The Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life by David Zinczenko – This book is special for women and will help with nutrition plans and exercises for better fitness for faster weight loss. A lot of women have relied on this book to keep them fit and it has worked. This puts spice in stale boring workouts and lets you enjoy your workouts, and it contains everything a woman needs to remain healthy and fit.

Source: ecommBR