Articles for tag: 20 Minute Workout, Cheetah Girls, Tae Bo, Workout Dvds

Karla News

The Best Workout DVDs for Children

Obesity is on the rise in children. Poor diet and junk food are the main culprits. Children simply do not get the proper exercise. Your young children should be active. They need to put exercise into practice now. It teaches them how to take care of their bodies and prevents many health problems such as ...

The Firm Wave Total Body Exerciser

This is an awesome addition to any gym. The firm wave is a definite must have for any exerciser.The wave is an unique exerciser and has an appealing wave look. It offers total body fitness exercising in a fun way. The firm wave helps spice up your gym and offers great results. When using the ...

Top 5 Cardio Workout DVDS

A cardiovascular workout is one that works the large muscles (like the legs) and strengthens the heart and lungs. Cardiovascular exercise is sometimes called aerobic exercise. To maximize the benefit of a cardio workout, it needs to be intense enough to accelerate your heart rate to a target rate, which is usually about 50% to ...

Popular Workout DVDs for Men

Men’s Health 15-Minute Workout Price: $12.99 Level: Beginner Run Time: 60 minutes Where to buy: The main problem men have when looking to get in shape is that they lack the time to go to the gym or focus on a routine. The Men’s Health 15-Minute Workout throws that excuse out the window. If ...

Best Aerobic Workout DVDs

Aerobic (meaning “with oxygen”) exercise is physical activity that increases the heart rate and strengthens the body’s oxygen using systems. It is sometimes called cardiovascular or cardio exercise. Walking, running and dancing are just a few types of aerobic exercise. Aerobic works the large muscles (like the legs), increases the heart rate and raise the ...

Karla News

My Top Picks in Workout DVDs for Women

You do not need to have a lot of time, or even a gym membership to get a great workout at home. Whether you are a beginner or very advanced, there are several workout DVDs on the market that can give you amazing results over a short period of time. Here are 5 of my ...

Karla News

Dance Workout DVDs: Top Five

My sister loves her dance workout DVDs. She is a runner and whenever it is too cold out or pouring rain she grabs one of her dance workout DVDs and sweats and dances to burn off calories and stay in shape. She is a perfect size eight, sometimes six depending on the cut, so something ...

Karla News

Guide to the Top 10 Best Workout DVD’S

1. Billy’s Blanks boot camp This workout DVD really gets your heart pumping, you are consistently moving whether it is jogging in place or doing the exercises. You can really burn a whole bunch of calories using this DVD guaranteed results in seven 7 days. I personally own this DVD and can say it works ...

Karla News

5 Top Aerobic Workout DVDs

Aerobic workouts are an excellent way to condition your heart, lose weight, build muscle, and tone and sculpt your body. Most aerobic workouts are designed to help work every muscle in the body, while providing you with energy to get you through the long day ahead. With the every growing number of aerobic workout DVDs ...

Karla News

Best Step Workout DVDs on the Market

Are you looking for a new type of workout to help you shed your unwanted calories this summer? If you are ready for a fun workout that requires very little equipment then you are going to want to try a step workout. A step workout is an aerobic workout where users perform various exercises on ...