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Symptoms and Treatment of Bursitis

Bursitis, Heating Pads

Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa. Bursa are soft fluid-filled sacs which are found near the joints in your body. They are used to cushion the space between the tendons and bones. Tendons are tough fibrous material which connect your muscles to the skeletal bones. As your joints move, tendons can rub against bones and tissue. Bursa exists to cushion this friction. Most bursa affected by bursitis are found in joints which are removed frequently such as elbows, knees, shoulders, and hips.

People who are at risk for bursitis are typically involved in intense athletic activity. In addition to athletes, people who suddenly increase their activity level when they are out of shape can cause a bursitis as well. Improper stretching, or over-stretching of your joints can lead to a bursitis. Care must be taken not to over-train, or to increase the intensity of your training too quickly.

Injury to a joint, or overuse of that joint can lead to bursitis as well. Doing exercises which that joint is unaccustomed to is another risk factor for developing bursitis. Any type of infection in the joint, as well as arthritis or gout, can increase your risk for developing bursitis. In many cases the underlying cause of the inflammation in the bursa is never properly discovered.


Symptoms of bursitis are relatively simple. The infected joint will become painful and tender to the touch. The range of motion within the joint will typically be reduced, as it becomes painful to move the joint. In some cases the pain can radiate to other areas of the body near to the joint. For example, a bursitis in the shoulder can radiate pain up to the neck, down the back, or into the arm. Similarly, a bursitis of the knee can cause pain as high up as the hip, or as low as the ankles.

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In addition to the chronic low-level pain, some bursitis can cause severe sharp striking pain when you attempt to move the joint. In some cases the bursitis can cause a fever – although this is rare.


Although it is quite common, bursitis is typically not a serious problem. With proper care and treatment, the symptoms will usually resolve within one to two weeks.

The best treatment for bursitis is RICE therapy. This acronym stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation of the affected joint. In other words, try to stay off the joint. Apply ice packs to the joint. Use a wrap or bandage around the joint, especially if it is weight-bearing. Although non-weight-bearing joints benefit from being wrapped as well. Attempt to keep the joint elevated, especially if it is an ankle or knee.

You should continue to apply ice packs to the affected joint until the inflammation is reduced. Some people prefer to use warm heating pads on the affected joint. This is an acceptable treatment and often works quite well to control the pain. Applying hot compresses, or heating pads can be quite effective in managing the pain associated with bursitis.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as Motrin or Advil, are very effective in controlling the inflammation and pain associated with bursitis. If the pain is severe enough, your doctor can inject the joint with cortisone. This is a steroid hormone used to control acute inflammation. Cortisone injections can only be given by your doctor.

No matter what form of treatment you decide to use for your bursitis, you must rest of the joint as much is possible. Failure to treat a bursitis gingerly, can lead to the joint becoming frozen in place, or permanently limiting the mobility of that joint.

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If you are suffering from pain in any joint of your body, it is a good idea to see your physician. Your doctor can do a proper evaluation of your joint, and determine if the cause of the pain is due to a bursitis or some other factor. Working with your doctor, you can come up with a good strategy to treat your bursitis and get you back on your feet in the shortest possible time.