Articles for tag: Cervical Spinal Stenosis, Joint Pain, Joint Pain Relief, Pain Relievers

Maximum Strength Flexall 454 Pain Relieving Gel

Many people suffer from painful muscles and joints, and as a person who occasionally suffers from painful muscles, I know it isn’t always easy to find a good pain reliever. Pain relievers taken internally sometimes have undesirable side effects, and these side effects are sometimes worse than the muscle and joint pain. Unfortunately, topical pain ...

Carpal Tunnel Post-Surgical Pain Relief Exercises

After carpel tunnel syndrome surgery, it’s possible to experience lingering or residual pain that might shoot up the entire arm and affect the shoulder. Remember, the carpal tunnel compression has caused irritation to the median nerve, which runs the length of the arm (beginning from hand) all the way up to the shoulder and neck ...

Dr. Frank’s Joint Pain Relief for Pets

Is your pet constantly falling? It may be that Fido is overweight or just experiencing some age related joint problems. Whatever the causes for your pet’s joint pain Dr. Frank’s pain relief spray promises dog and cat owners some peace of mind. If you’ve watched the infomercial you’d see different dogs that are either obese ...