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How to Combat Boredom

For some people, there is nothing worse than being bored. In an increasingly hectic world with varying lifestyles, boredom is indeed still present in most people’s lives and can account for some negative behaviors, like unnecessary spending, binge eating or hours in front of the television, to name a few. But boredom doesn’t have to be blamed for our credit card balance or our expanding waistline. With a few tips, you can render yourself prepared before the next time you yawn and end up reaching for the remote, the wallet or the bag of chips.

Always have reading materials: Let’s face it, you’re bound to have some time to kill at some point, whether it’s at the doctor’s office or at the airport. Reading is by far the best way to combat boredom, for not only do you end up learning something new, but your brain ends up engaged in an activity so fulfilling that all it needs is the page it’s looking at, no munchies required.

Plan your days in advance: One of the main reasons people end up bored is poor planning. Organize your week in advance with specific goals that you need and want to accomplish, and plan your day the night before to maximize your use of time. For example, get a work out in before heading to work and plan your post work to do list; include shores as well as fun activities.

Develop hobbies: As hectic as life can get, it is important to develop hobbies, if for nothing else than to stay sane. Try to remember what you enjoyed doing as a child; that’s usually the foundation for your hobby as a adult, whether it’s building model cars or helping Mom in the kitchen, your hobby is most likely something that brings back good memories and has the potential of helping you make some new good ones.

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Ask yourself why you’re bored: Humans are good at avoiding things they don’t want to deal with. You might find yourself bored because it’s laundry night and you really don’t want to deal with your beat up washing machine, or because finals are nearing and while the books are calling, you just can’t hear them. Convince yourself that procrastination will only interfere with the natural flow of your life and that, let’s face it, your shirts are not going to wash themselves. Compensate for doing unwanted shores by rewarding yourself at the end, perhaps a mini trip to celebrate the end of the school year could be arranged.

Don’t confuse boredom with relaxation: For type A personalities, this is a big problem. If you’re used to being productive, relaxing can seem useless, unnecessary and even guilt inducing. Yet relaxing is very important to our bodies and minds, especially in the demanding world we live in. Take the time everyday to watch the birds, enjoy a bath or water the flowers, and don’t let guilt hamper your enjoyment.

If all fails, walk: Exercise, even in a simple form like walking, is another great way to fight boredom. Not only does it help your body feel and act better, but it helps you clear your thoughts and deal with issues that you’ve either been avoiding or have had no time to think about. Always consult your physician before engaging in any exercise regimen.

Combating boredom might be a lifelong battle for most of us, but being prepared, just like with anything else, will help you fight it and avoid the problems that come with it. So next time boredom starts creeping up your way, hold your book up with one hand and your knitting set with the other; it will have no choice but to march to the next person.

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