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Stop Inflammation – Avoid These Ten Foods!

Capsicum, Inflammation, Neurotoxin

The Chinese say that all illness comes from the stomach. So if you suffer from inflammation, arthritis, joint pain or an autoimmune disease, it makes sense to avoid inflammatory foods that make the inflammation and other symptoms worse.

These are the top ten inflammation causing foods:

1. Sugar – This is the worst culprit. It causes massive inflammation, depresses your immune system and feeds cancer cells. If you do nothing else, avoiding sugar will help you reduce inflammation greatly.
2. Alcohol – This is a neurotoxin and does terrible things to your pancreas, liver and brain
3. Dairy – These days cows are fed unnatural foods and given lots of antibiotics and steroids. All these end up in the milk. The milk is then pasteurised, homogenised and in some cases irradiated. This makes is it unsuitable for human consumption. The body doesn’t know what to do with this white stuff and has to work very hard to get rid of it. If you have to have dairy, butter and fermented dairy, such as yoghourt are your best choices.
4. Foods containing nitrites and nitrates. These are the preservatives that are mostly used in cured meats to extend shelf life.
5. Nightshades – Capsicum (peppers), tomatos, eggplant (aubergine), potatos and chili are all inflammatory foods
6. Soy products – Soy beans are toxic. Why? Because they are the most heavily sprayed crops on the planet. The pesticides and insecticides used on the soy beans end up in your body.
7. Wheat and other grains containing gluten. Quite a lot of people cannot digest gluten, but are unaware of it.
8. Coffee – This is a legalised drug. Just because everyone drinks it, it does not make it acceptable for a person with inflammation, arthritis or joint pain. It is highly inflammatory!
9. Soft drinks (pop) – Whether they contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, soft drinks do a lot of damage to your body.
10. MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) – This is a neurotoxin. Most food labels call it a food enhancer. Modern food production now puts MSG into everything from baby cereals to canned soups to condiments. This drug fools your brain into thinking that you are hungry, so you eat more of the food that contains it. Great for the food producer, bad for your waistline and your inflammation.

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Avoiding the foods that contain any of the above will give your body a chance to repair the damage and reduce the inflammation.