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Sweating to Cayenne: The Herbal Remedy is Great for Weight Loss

Capsicum, Phlebitis, Varicella Zoster Virus


Little known facts

The cayenne pepper is a red hot chili pepper for flavoring dishes. It’s also used for medicinal purposes. The pepper is named after the city of Cayenne in French Guiana.

Cayenne is also called Capsicum. They are both interchangeable since they are both in the same family.

There are many fruits in the Capsicum family.

The activity of the herb is measured by its BTU (British Thermal Units) rating or should I say, how hot it is.

Cayenne is well known as the plant that bites back.

Christopher Columbus first introduced Europe to the hot, biting quality of cayenne when he returned from the New World. Cayenne was probably grown and used for thousands of years in the tropical areas of Africa, India and the Americas before Columbus, the first Westerner brought attention to food flavored with it.

Its name comes from the Greek word “to bite.”

The Native American Navajo tribes used cayenne for weaning children.

The Native American Cherokee tribes used cayenne for its stimulating qualities.

The Dispensary of the United States of America noted how capsicum is a powerful local stimulant that produced a sense of heat in the stomach when swallowed, and “a general glow over the body without narcotic effect.”

The most important and prominent compound in cayenne is Capsaicin.

The high Vitamin A content is what makes cayenne or capsicum red.

True effects

Vitamin A is vital for normal vision, growth, cellular activity, reproduction and healthy immunity.

Some capsaicin rub-on cream has proven effective in relieving pain from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Cayenne has proven effective for fighting off diseases.

Cayenne is great for equalizing blood circulation.

Cayenne is great for weight loss, especially when combined with caffeine-type herbs or Ephedra due to the fact that it raises thermo genesis in the body. I can second that. Since I’ve been taking cayenne on a regular basis, I’ve lost a few more pounds than I would normally. Cayenne can lower the amount of fat deposits from a high fat diet and raise the amount of liver enzymes responsible for fat metabolism.

Ever sweat after eating a hot pepper? Well, a cayenne capsule will have the same effect. This can be helpful for keeping cool in extreme temperatures. Trust me, I know. After all, perspiration is the natural cooling mechanism of the body.

Taken as a powder or extract on the tongue, cayenne can be helpful for shock, hemorrhages, and heart attacks.

Cayenne can raise the heart action without raising blood pressure.

Cayenne can be effective in improving conditions caused by the flu or a cold.

Personal observation: I’ve noticed the herb produces a strong burning sensation from my stomach up and throughout parts of my body. This isn’t uncommon or cause for concern. The pungent herb is having an effect on the nerve endings of the sensory nerves. Cayenne is actually not acting too much on the capillary or other blood vessels.

Cayenne has proven to be effective in stopping addictions of alcohol.

Disorders, irritations, ailments, and bodily systems treated by Cayenne or Capsicum

Malaria ague – Malaria is simply an infectious disease of several different types. One type is so severe, a child could be playing in the backyard in the early afternoon and be dead by bedtime. Malaria could be one of the scariest infectious diseases I’ve ever heard of. How it works is by the malaria parasite entering the liver, from there, they spread, invading blood cells from which to reproduce. The cell is completely gone at this point. This cycle continues until the parasite reaches the brain.

Appetite stimulant

Arteriosclerosis – A disease that affects blood vessels in which there is serious inflammation in the walls of certain arteries.

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Arthritis – In case you don’t know what it is by now, let me clarify. Arthritis is when there is serious damage to joints in the body. There are certain kinds of arthritis; rheumatoid arthritis for example can be an autoimmune disease where the body will literally be attacking itself.

Asthma – This should be self-explanatory. But in case it isn’t, in case you don’t know what it is exactly, I’ll tell you. Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system that constricts a person’s airway. Common symptoms of asthma are wheezing, and coughing.

External backache

External and internal bleeding – Bleeding externally or internally, depending on the severity of the damage. You could bleed anywhere from 15% to 40% of your blood volume, and it’s still hemorrhaging. Be careful that you don’t drive anywhere if you’re bleeding too much.

Blood cleanser

High blood pressure – This should be self-explanatory. But let’s get into it for argument’s sake. High blood pressure or hypertension is when the pressure in your blood in chronically elevated. This can lead to heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes.

Low blood pressure – Low blood pressure or hypotension is when the pressure in your blood is abnormally low. This can lead to chest pains, a shortness of breath, fevers, and headaches.

Bronchitis – To explain bronchitis, you’ll have to know what the bronchus or bronchi are. The broncus is one of two tree-branch-like pipes (trachea) that are used to transfer air to and from the lungs. Bronchitis is simply an inflammation of mucous membranes in those pipes.

Bruises – Blood vessels that have become damaged and clotted due to superficial lesions on the skin. But you can also get bruises in deeper areas of the body which are called a “contusion”.

Burns – This should be self-explanatory. But in case it isn’t, let me elaborate. Burns are simply injuries by fire, intense heat or certain chemicals. There are several different kinds of burn, including a brush burn, chemical burn, radiation burn, second or third degree burns, and flash burns.


Circulatory disorders

Colds – Caused by such things as a viral infection of the respiratory tract, the common cold comes with nasal discharge, and sneezing.

General congestion

Contagious diseases

Convulsions – This should be self-explanatory. In case you don’t know what it is, let me tell you. Convulsions are involuntary contractions of the muscles or a series of contractions in which your body is jerking.

Coughs – This should be self-explanatory. A cough is simply when you have a strong and abrupt discharge of air from the lungs.

Cramps – This is simply painful muscle spasms that most commonly occurs in the legs.


Diabetes – A disorder in which the body can no longer metabolize insulin, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Severe conditions require frequent shots of insulin.

Digestive disorders

Eyes – Eyes are the spherical organ in which we see through. This organ consists of several different parts; such as, the cornea, the iris, and pupil.

Fatigue – This should be self-explanatory. But I think we should talk about this condition for the fun of it. Fatigue is when your body is afflicted with lethargia.

Fever – This should be self-explanatory. But for the sake of argument, let’s go into it anyway. It’s when the body temperature goes rises above the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Preventing frostbite



Hay fever – An inflammation of the nose and eyes that happens during certain seasons.

Cluster headaches – This should be self-explanatory. But if it’s not, allow me to explain what a headache is. A headache or cephalalgia is simple a pain or ache in the head. You can have many kinds, including a blind headache or as it is more commonly known, a migraine headache. A cluster or histaminic headache is simply a recurring headache in the area right behind the eyes. Also, there are tension headaches and organic headaches.

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Heart – This square-shaped organ is the biggest muscle in the human body, but it can be host to any number of diseases and deficiencies. Among these heart problems are ventricular septal defect, stenosis of lung artery, ostium secundum, and heart attacks and heart failures.

Heart attacks


Hypotension – Low blood pressure or hypotension is when the pressure in your blood is abnormally low. This can lead to chest pains, a shortness of breath, fevers, and headaches.

Indigestion – Discomfort from a failure or temporary inability to digest food.

Infection – Living microorganisms that invade the body are infections. You can have a clinical infection in which the infection is so severe that the body starts showing signs and symptoms of diseases. Focial infections are when those little bastard bugs are confined to one area. Inapparent infections are infections that show no signs or symptoms – also known as subclinical. Latent infections are when those little microorganisms can’t even be detected by modern methods – the infection can flare up from time to time under certain conditions. And finally, there is terminal infections in which the infection strikes at the end of a disease, typically resulting in death.

Inflammation – Inflammation can be either acute or chronic. The body is trying to heal a wound or abrasion, causing redness, swelling and bruising. This is usually done by sending in plasma and leukocytes.

Jaundice – This disease is also called, icterus. You know you have it if every part of your body turns yellow. You really don’t want me to get into all of the symptoms and describe this terrible disease in detail.

Kidneys – Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs used to regulate acid-based concentrations and water balances in the tissues. But this significant organ can be host to any number of diseases or disorders. Problems include scarred kidney tissue, degeneration, abnormally placed kidneys, floating kidneys, stones, and blood deficient kidneys.

Laryngitis in tea form – Laryngitis is simply an inflammation of the larynx. What is the larynx? The larynx is the organ for voice production. It’s located at the upper end of the trachea.

Lethargy – Simply put, if you’re feeling tired or drowsy, that’s lethargy.

Lock jaw

Fluid in lungs

Male tonic

Mucus – A slippery, viscous concentration of musin, cells, salts and water found in mucous membranes. This protects and moistens the membrane.


Chronic pain

Palsy – Simply another term for paralysis. There are several different kinds of palsy, including ataxic cerebral palsy, Bell’s or facial palsy, and cerebral palsy.

Pancreas – The soft gland located behind the stomach, the pancreas helps in the digestion of food, and produces such hormones as insulin and glucagon, regulating the blood sugar levels in the bloodstream.

Paralysis – If you lose control of all your muscular functions, you’re paralyzed.

Parkinson’s disease – Also known as paralysis agitans, Parkinson’s disease is a disorder marked by stiffness and slowness of voluntary movement in its development form. Signs of Parkinson’s include stooped posture, propulsive gait, rhythmic tremors of the limbs, and rigidity of facial expressions. This is why you should feel for such celebrities diagnosed with Parkinson’s as Michael J. Fox.

Increase perspiration

Pleurisy – Inflammation of the serious membrane surrounding the lungs, and lining the walls of the chest cavity.

Phlebitis – This is pretty much self-explanatory. It’s the inflammation of a vein.

Pyorrhea – A disease of the gums, made obvious by inflammation, causing a loss of bone tissue.

Rheumatism – A term that best describes disorders of the heart, bones, joints, kidneys, and lungs. A symptom of Rheumatism is back pain.

Senility – A condition in which the body and mind is deteriorating, causing such problems as dementia. It’s mostly common in the elderly.

Shingles – Also known as Herpes zoster, shingles are reddish, painful blistered that appear in patches. They are a reactivation of the primary infection that causes chickenpox, varicella zoster virus. This condition can come straight from you spinal cord. Like psoriasis or ulcers, it’s not something I would want to find on my skin.

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Shock – A physiological reaction to some kind of trauma leading to any number of symptoms, including pale and clammy skin, lowered blood pressure and the possibility of unconsciousness.

Sinus problems

Skin problems

Gargling for sore throats – This should be self-explanatory. But I think we should describe a sore throat. Maybe I just like to share everything I learn with my readers. A sore throat is a condition leading to discomfort in the throat, especially when you swallow food. It can be irritated and made worse by coughing.

Spasms – If your muscles are contracting and you can’t control it, those are spasms.

Spleen – This vascular organ that sits over your stomach and under a lung specializes in filtering blood. But every so often, your spleen can be host to any number of deficiencies and diseases; for instance, sago is a condition in which the spleen contains amyloid deposits.

Sprains – This should be self-explanatory. Everybody has sprained their ankle at one point or another. It’s when you tear or stretch a ligament. It can be so painful you could swear you broke something.

Stomach ulcers

Strokes – As many people know, strokes are a common cause of death. It’s simply a suddenly loss of brain functions due to an interruption of blood to the brain.


Preparation for surgery

Promotes sweating

Tonsillitis – Inflammation of the lymphoid tissue (tonsils) in the back of the mouth.

Tumors – A tumor is a mass growth of tissues.

Ulcers – You can get ulcers just about anywhere on your body. Ulcers are open sores of the skin, eyes or mucous membranes. They can leave your skin looking like the surface of some dead, alien planet. It’s really not something you’ll ever want to see. Duodenal ulcers can be found on the first portion of the small intestine. Gastric ulcers are found in the area of the stomach. Mouth ulcers are found in or around the mouth.

Varicose veins – Blood vessels within an abnormal swollen area that can be seen under the skin.

Stops bleeding from wounds

Herbal First Aide

No home should be without this recipe for an herbal first aide kit.

You must have Aloe Vera. The gel from the plant’s leaves will help in relieving pain, and healing burns and cuts. Believe me, I know this works.

Also, you should have Arnica. Another healing gel that will take the blue out of bruises.

Take Calendula. When taken as a tea, this dry leaf will help clean cuts.

For indigestion, anxiety and insomnia, take some Chamomile in tea form.

You should most definitely take Echinachea if you want to treat the flu or the common cold.

Gingerroot is great for relaxing the stomach, killing nausea, and putting an end to motion sickness.

Keep a bottle of Witch Hazel handy to stop infections, and heal minor burns and rashes.

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Herbal Resources

The Herb Book by John Lust
The Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch
Back to Eden, 2nd Revised Edition by Jethro Kloss & Promise K. Moffet
Children’s Herbal Health by Deanne Tenney
Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook by James Duke, Ph.D
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Michael Nurray, N.D.
Herbally Yours by Penny C. Royal
A Modern Herbal by Mrs. Grieve
Desk Reference to Nature’s Medicine by Steven Foster and Rebecca L. Johnson