Karla News

SOBE Delicious Drinks – Be Careful Which One You Grab

Astragalus, Dragon Fruit, Guarana, Panax Ginseng, Sobe

Lately, I have slacked off of my addiction to Mountain Dew. I have been drinking Mountain Dew since I have been nine months old, I never thought I would find anything else to give me the pick me up or wake me up that I needed for the wake up, but SOBE drinks are helping to substitute.

One does need to watch out for the herbs that are contained in the SOBE drinks. It is a drink that according to the label, “Specially formulated to energize the body, uplift the spirit and enlighten the mind.” It also mentions that for nutritional information to go to www. Sobebev.com or call the lizard at 1 800 588 0548.

The drink that I had last night was SOBE Nirvana, mango melon, the herbs that it contained Hibiscus, Ginseng and Astragalus.

Ginseng is an herb that derives from a word meaning “man root”, the root of the ginseng plant is an upside down Y shape resembling a man’s legs. This herb helps with the central nervous system stimulation. Those that are taking medication for your heart need to be careful as this will possibly counteract your medicine.

American Ginseng helps reduce influenza, especially in the elderly. There also is panax ginseng as well.

Hibiscus is generally used in teas and jams in countries such as Egypt and the Caribbean areas. In the Indian traditions it is known as a medicinal plant, and cures various ailments, including inflammation.

Astragalus is used to protect and support the immune system. This is an herb that has been used in China for thousands of years. It is also often used in a combination with other herbs to strengthen the body. This herb contains antioxidants, which protect cells against damage.

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Usually helping with upper respiratory infections, but in China’s research it shows that it helps those with severe forms of heart disease, relieving symptoms and improving heart function. However, it was found that this herb does interact with other herbs and prescription medications.

This morning I tried the Dragon this morning, which contains Dragon Fruit, containing a blend of gingko, ginseng, and guarana.

Dragon fruit was new to me and I did a bit of research before popping the top of this one as well.

I soon learned why I had never heard of this fruit as for years it has gone unnoticed and just of late has caught Snapple, Sobe, and Tropicana. Now this fruit is the leading exported fruit from Vietnam.

Dragon fruit is a natural antioxidant that helps with heart disease, cancer, and other ailments.

The legend behind the fruit was impressive as well, which was created by and Asian marketer. The legend says that the fruit was created thousands of years ago by a fire breathing dragon. During battles with dragons the dragon would breathe fire one last time and the last thing to come out would be the fruit. After the dragon was slain, then the fruit was collected and presented to the Emperor as a coveted treasure. The dragon was then butchered by the soldiers and they would eat the flesh. The flesh was believed to be endowed with strength and ferocity of the dragon and they would be also coveted by the Emperor.

Dragon fruit really comes from a tree.

The other new herb was guarana, which is similar to giving the same affects as caffeine. PepsiCo has started to market “Guarana Antarctica soda”, which is now available in Portugal and Spain.

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If you are on any medication speak with your doctor about the usage of herbs or herbal drinks. There are also many herbal books that will help you decipher what herbs may counteract with your health conditions or medications.

When I first dipped into the world of herbs about six years ago, I thought that it was more mind over matter then anything, but through the experiments of different herbs I have learned they do in fact work. The ancients did know a thing or two.

Next time that you happen to be in the store, take a look at the different herbs that are now being put into many different shampoos, conditioners, lotions and drinks. Embrace the naturalness of this aspect as at least we are now starting to sway from the chemical additives.

Yet, we all need to be knowledgeable of our herbal remedies that we are trying to cure. Some of these herbs will suppress symptoms and your doctor may not be able to give you a proper diagnosis. It will help to allow your doctor to know of the herbal drinks or remedies that you may have tried.

So here is to herbal knowledge!