Articles for tag: Disabled Veterans, Medical Conditions

Karla News

Social Security Denies Disabled Veterans Disability Benefits

I am a disabled veteran awarded 100% disability after the Veterans Administration (VA) has determined that due to my disabilities I am unemployable. Looking at me you would wonder what my disability is, but believe me, the VA just didn’t simply come to this conclusion. To determine whether I was employable or not I had ...

An Overview of Parenchymal Renal Disease

Renal refers to the kidneys and there are basically two sub types of renal medical conditions, vascular and parenchymal. Vascular refers to medical conditions that involve the blood vessels and parenchymal refers to medical conditions involving the tissue, therefore renal parenchymal disease refers to diseases that involve the kidney tissue. There can be parenchymal disease ...

Stop the Stink: Learn How to Treat Halitosis

Halitosis is a condition that causes people to suffer from extremely bad breath. This condition can cause embarrassment and anxiety. Many factors can cause halitosis. Foods and drinks that are consumed are a large contributor to causing this condition. Certain life style habits can also cause a person to suffer from extremely stinky breath. Medical ...

Abnormal Stool Colors: When to Worry

When all is normal, stool color should be brown. The color of stool is sometimes changed by certain kinds of food, but it can also be altered by a medical condition. A variety of factors can cause abnormal stool color in a range of hues including green, yellow, red, black, tan, and light clay-colored. Green ...