Articles for tag: Astragalus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Karla News

Astragalus for Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome has been my worst enemy for at last a year now. This health condition causes endless tiredness, forgetfulness, extreme body aches and pains, physical and mental weaknesses, an itchy dry throat, irritability, panic attacks and sometimes-even confusion. Typically chronic fatigue syndrome can occur without reason, but mine is caused by my autoimmune ...

Karla News

Oxy Clinical Advanced Face Wash

Examining the ingredients and performance of Oxy Clinical Advanced Face Wash using a free sample I received. What Oxy Clinical Claims This product is said to perform as well as prescription products: “Clinical results without a prescription.” On the front of the product, the following information is revealed: * 25 times more acne medication remains ...

Karla News

Astragalus Can Help Spontaneous Sweating

Do you have spontaneous sweating at the slight hint of anxiety? Before confirming that you have a nervous disorder or disorder of the thyroid, you may think that it is just overactive sweat glands. Astragalus is a powerful herb used in traditional Chinese medicine that can treat spontaneous sweating effectively if the underlying causes match ...