Articles for tag: Dog Arthritis, Medication Interactions, Pharmacies, Prescription Medications

Dangers of Online Pet Medication Pharmacies

Their commercials would have you believe that you’re just throwing your money away if you buy your prescription medications, heartworm and flea preventatives from your veterinarian. But online pet pharmacies have some drawbacks that you should be aware of. You still need a prescription from your veterinarian in order to get your medications. Some pharmacies ...

Karla News

Green Tea Improves Attention, Focus in Young Boys with Limited Concentration

Adolescent boys often face some degree of complication when it comes to concentration and memory. Primarily associated with hormones, young boys often face complications in peer groups, interpersonal relationships, and in school when unable to focus and concentrate. For many parents, the use of natural remedies is preferred over the use of any prescription medications ...

Is Stress Creating a Quasi Cushing Syndrome?

There is new research to indicate individuals suffering from extreme stress exposure, releasing an over abundance of cortisol, may develop a condition similar to that of Cushing’s syndrome. As an active adult, under varying degrees of high stress, understanding the impact this stress may have on the female body, as well as the treatment options, ...

Karla News

Pharming Party – a New Trend in Teen Drug Abuse

As parents, protecting our children from the world of drugs and alcohol is a never ending battle. With profit and non-for-profit organizations as well as schools working together, the prevalance of illicit drug use has declined in the last several years. Unfortunately, what is not known by many parents, is the increase use of prescription ...