Articles for tag: Coral Gables, Miami Hotels, Sobe

Karla News

Planning a Fall Weekend Getaway in Miami, Florida

Even though South Beach and Downtown Miami are havens for party-goers during beach season, there’s still plenty to do and enjoy around Miami as the weather gets cooler. Fall in Miami is still summery enough for many out-of-state travelers, so you can enjoy a beach vacation well into late October. Many of Miami’s top hotels ...

Karla News

Vitamin Waters – Good or Bad

The market has been flooded with bottled water ‘” plain water, flavored water, sparkling water and vitamin water. Most people have at least tried bottled water if not the others at one time or another. Tired of lugging jugs of water home from the store, I purchased a water filter system that has paid for ...

My Favorite Low Calorie Sports Drinks

Around 40 years ago, Gatorade was born. Through innovative marketing techniques, such as putting Gatorade jugs and cups with the Gatorade logo all over pro and college football sidelines and trying to make it seem as though the top athletes would be mediocre without it, it has become an American beverage institution. Yet since Gatorade’s ...

Adrenaline in a Can? The Truth Behind Energy Drinks and Bars

If sweating off the pounds through countless hours of cardio seems too radical, teenagers may turn to quick-fix energy drinks like Red Bull and Amp to give them that extra boost during the rigors of a busy lifestyle. A highly active teen’s schedule may consist of school, participating in a school sport, attending several extra-cirriculars ...