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Simple Ways to Ease Back Pain

Causes of Back Pain, Fibroid Tumors, Ligaments, Muscle Tension

Back pain is one of the main problems of adult age – and a source of further inconveniences for many. The importance of back pain consists in the fact that, at least once in life, each of us feel a dorsal discomfort.

Back pain may be located either in the upper area of the back, in the middle area or in the lumbar area. Sometimes, the discomfort can be extended to hips and legs. The back is formed of a complex system of bones, ligaments, joints, muscles and nerves, and the pain felt can be caused by a problem at any of those elements.

The most common type of back pain is the pain felt in the lumber area. This is caused by the increased pressure at which this region is exposed every time a person sits down or lifts something. Also, this area is the most exposed to accidents.

Here are some of the causes of back pain:

The most usual reason is represented by a strain of the back, meaning a small break in the back muscles or ligaments. It is often caused by a sudden or a wrong movement, or by the lifting of a heavy object. However, most often, people who claim such pain can’t remember a specific incident that caused it.

– sudden impact or trauma such as those that occur in auto accidents, falls, sports injuries or other circumstances – can affect any of the dorsal region, especially the area of muscles and spine.

– gynecological disorders such as endometriosis, fibroid tumors- can be causes of back pain;

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– Pain associated with menstrual cycle. During the menstrual cycle some women accuse back pain. They can be reduced by administration of analgesics and easy massage. Exercises can also alleviate lumbar pain during the cycle, by stimulating circulation and reducing the pelvic congestion which causes the back pain;

– Pregnancy. Lumbar pain occurs frequently during pregnancy and after birth. Almost two thirds of women accuse back pain, which are mostly felt in the spine due to the position induced by pregnancy that emphasizes the curvature of the lumbar spine.

– Sudden movements. The spine allows very large movements of the vertebrae due to articulations. But sudden movements of bending and rotation can produce sprains, extent and rupture of ligaments, triggering dorsal pain.

– Increased physical effort;

– Vicious body positions;

– The lack of physical exercises.

Poorly maintained back muscles are another relatively frequent cause. Other causes of back pain may also be the muscle tension. Ligaments can be a source of problems.

Back pain may be:

– Acute: severe pain that lasts a minute, a few days or weeks.

– Chronic: pain that lasts more than three months or pain that stops and returns.

Statistics show that, by simple treatments, 90% of those with acute pain feel better within a month, and 60% of them recover after only one week. Even some severe back pain caused by disc hernia, improves in 6 weeks, when the protuberant disks start giving back. In most of severe back pain cases, there are quick improvements, sometimes in a few days but not more than a few weeks. Only in 5% of these cases the pain persist, becoming chronic.

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The good news is that back pain can be prevented. Simple methods of treatment and practice of exercise can heal back pain in a few weeks. Surgical treatment is not usually necessary.

Back pain home treatment

Along with age, muscle tone tends to decrease and the back becomes increasingly prone to affections and injury. If you remain flexible and strong and if you keep the abdominal muscles strong, you have great chances to avoid back problems. 10-15 minutes per day of stretching exercises and basic body training can help you more that you think.

– use cold compresses on the area where the back pain persists. Wrap an ice pack into a towel and keep apply it on the painful area for 15 minutes, 4 times a day. Never apply ice directly on skin.

– a very comfortable position is that of lying with the back on the floor, keeping the hips and knees bend and the legs up.

– the rest is important, so rest well, but avoid staying too much in bed. Moderate mobility will maintain the muscles flexible and strong.

– avoid to lift large weights, pull or push large objects;

– avoid activities/ movements that determine muscle tension;

– after 48 hours you can apply a local heat (a warm bath, warm compresses, an electric pillow, a heating lamp) to ease back pain and muscle tension;

– Gradually start some easy stretching exercises; avoid sudden movements or vigorous movements that can intensify your back pain;

– use regular analgesics (without prescription);

– a massage could be beneficial, especially for muscle spasms, but avoid direct pressure on the spine;

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– you can use a support prosthesis (a girdle or a large soft belt). It will improve your condition, by providing local heat, comfort and support.

Medical support

If the back pain or the neck pain was not visibly reduced after 72 hours of home treatment, consult your doctor. Ask him for special medical care if the back pain:

– is very intense;

– Is the result of a fall or of a back blow;

– Causes weakness or numbness in one or both legs;

– Started recently and is accompanied by unexplained fever;

– Is the result of a lesion which determines neck pain, affecting both the upper and the lower part of the body.

The cycle of most body nerves traverses the spine. Sometimes, the back pain and neck pain can be determined by a problem localized in other part of the body. The doctor can try several tests to determine the cause of the pain.

Sources: www.romedic.ro, www. sfatulmedicului.ro, www.emedoline.ro