Articles for tag: Hip Pain, Ligaments, Spd

Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction in Pregnant Women

Almost two years ago I was pregnant with my first child. The entire experience of pregnancy was new to me, so when I began having excruciating pain in my groin, I thought nothing of it except for natural cause and effect. The pain made it extremely difficult to sleep because I was unable to swing ...

Soft Tissue Injuries and Car Accidents

Soft tissue injuries can be the easiest type of injury to overlook after you’ve been involved in a car accident. Because they don’t involve the bones or organs, soft tissue injuries are often dismissed as minor and are simply treated with painkillers and time. Unfortunately, these injuries can be more serious than they initially appear, ...

Karla News

Simple Ways to Ease Back Pain

Back pain is one of the main problems of adult age – and a source of further inconveniences for many. The importance of back pain consists in the fact that, at least once in life, each of us feel a dorsal discomfort. Back pain may be located either in the upper area of the back, ...

Types of Joints and Joints Disorder

Joints are generally united with soft tissue such as ligaments, allowing movement. When little or no movement occurs between the bones, the joint is made up of fibrous tissue and the two bones are held firmly together, as occurs in the skull. Movements at joints are effected by the contraction or shortening of the muscles ...