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Not Only is the Herb, Hops Great for Curbing Alcoholism but It’s Also Great for Brewing Beer

Brewing Beer, swimmer's ear


Little known facts

Hops is a flower of the Humulus lupulus, originally named by Pliny the elder in his Naturalis Historia. It is commonly found in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

The female hops flowers have actually been used in brewing beer.

If a muslin pillow is filled with hops, it can help calm nerves and promote good sleep.

Hops is a great source of niacin. I didn’t know this before I tried hops. Niacin and I, we don’t go together. This herb actually gave me the feeling of an overdose. I had highs and lows.

True effects

Hops has been proven successful in lowering the want for alcohol.

Hops can be soothing on the nerves, relieving such problems as muscle spasms.

Hops is effective in soothing pain.

Hops is also great for reducing fevers.

Hops is helpful for toning up the liver and gallbladder. It is especially great for cleaning the liver.

Hops can be effective for increasing the flow of urine.

Disorders, irritations, ailments, and bodily systems treated by Hops

Curbs alcoholism

Anxiety – Simply put, anxiety is the state of apprehension, and uneasiness. There are several states and reasons for anxiety, including anxiety syndrome, castration anxiety, and separation anxiety.

Appetite stimulant


Bronchitis – To explain bronchitis, you’ll have to know what the bronchus or bronchi are. The broncus is one of two tree-branch-like pipes (trachea) that are used to transfer air to and from the lungs. Bronchitis is simply an inflammation of mucous membranes in those pipes.

Coughs – This should be self-explanatory. A cough is simply when you have a strong and abrupt discharge of air from the lungs.

Intestinal cramps

Delirium tremens – Delirium is a condition in which a person experiences temporary mental excitement and confusion. It is marked by hallucinations, and delusions. Delirium tremens is a mental disturbance caused by the withdrawal of alcohol. If you’re sweating and experiencing tremors, you probably have delirium tremens.

Digestion – Digestion is the process in which the body converts foods into everything the body will need, including energy, vitamins, and minerals. Disorders include heartburn, ulcers, dyspepsia, Celiac Disease, and Crohn’s Disease.

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Dizziness – This should be self-explanatory. A term that is commonly used to describe a feeling of imbalance. Related descriptions include lightheaded, floating, woozy, giddy, confused, helpless or fuzzy.

Earaches – This vital compound organ for hearing and equilibrium can be host to any number of problems; such as swimmer’s ear, aviator’s ear, cauliflower or boxer’s ear, and glue ear. The most important part of the organ is the eardrum. If you have an earache, it is probably just a pain in the ear.

Fevers – This should be self-explanatory. But for the sake of argument, let’s go into it anyway. It’s when the body temperature goes rises above the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Gas – Caused by changes in pressure or temperature, gas is simply a vapor or air-like state of matter, different from any solid or liquid states by freely moving, greatly expanding and contracting molecules. If you think that’s a mouthful, try reading up on all the different kinds of gasses. I won’t go into detail. But, there is many different types, including inert gas, methane gas, laughing gas, tear gas and even water gas.

Gonorrhea – A common contagious disease transmitted through sexual intercourse, leading to painful urination, and a purulent discharge.

Headaches – This should be self-explanatory. But if it’s not, allow me to explain what a headache is. A headache or cephalalgia is simple a pain or ache in the head. You can have many kinds, including a blind headache or as it is more commonly known, a migraine headache. A cluster or histaminic headache is simply a recurring headache in the area right behind the eyes. Also, there are tension headaches and organic headaches.

Nervous heart conditions

Hoarseness – It’s simply a harsh and grating quality of the voice.

Hyperactivity – Simply put, hyperactivity is excessively increased activity.

Hysteria – If you can’t control your actions or emotions because you’re under stress or suffering from any number of emotional conflicts, that’s hysteria or should I say, you’re being hysterical. Greeks considered this to stem from problems in the uterus and called it, “hystera”.

Indigestion – Discomfort from a failure or temporary inability to digest food.

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Insomnia – Simply put, if for whatever reason you just can’t fall asleep or stay asleep, you’re suffering from insomnia.

Jaundice – This disease is also called, icterus. You know you have it if every part of your body turns yellow. You really don’t want me to get into all of the symptoms and describe this terrible disease in detail.

Leg cramps

Liver congestion – The liver is a multi-purpose and extremely helpful organ, but it can be host to a number of diseases and disorders; such as, Hepatitis or inflammation of the liver, Cirrhosis or the formation of fibrous tissue inside the liver, Gilbert’s syndrome or the genetic disorder of the bilirubin metabolism, and Glycogen storage disease II which leads to progressive muscle weakness.

Menstruation – Menstruation is when blood discharges from the uterus. It usually occurs every 4 weeks and lasts from 3 to 5 days in women. In typical menstruation cycles, this process is preceded by ovulation.

Morning sickness

Mucous colitis – Colitis is simply a digestive disease linked with the colon.

Nervousness – This should be self-explanatory but if it isn’t, allow me to explain. Nervousness is simply undue irritability and excitability.

Neuralgia – Having severe pain along the course of a nerve is neuralgia. The only other form is trigeminal or a facial pain usually located near the nerve of the same name.



Rheumatism – A term that best describes disorders of the heart, bones, joints, kidneys, and lungs. A symptom of Rheumatism is back pain.

Ringworm – Another condition like Athete’s foot I did not want to see in my research, but my reader has a right to know if they have it or not. Despite what you might think, this is not a worm like the tapeworm, this is a superficial infectious condition of the skin. This problem will have you scratching ring or oval-shaped legions in different parts of your skin. Ringworm is caused by any number of fungi.

Excessive sexual desires

Shock – A physiological reaction to some kind of trauma leading to any number of symptoms, including pale and clammy skin, lowered blood pressure and the possibility of unconsciousness.


Stomach tonic


Ulcers – You can get ulcers just about anywhere on your body. Ulcers are open sores of the skin, eyes or mucous membranes. They can leave your skin looking like the surface of some dead, alien planet. It’s really not something you’ll ever want to see. Duodenal ulcers can be found on the first portion of the small intestine. Gastric ulcers are found in the area of the stomach. Mouth ulcers are found in or around the mouth.

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Urinary tract infections

Water retention

Expels worms – Worms is a common name for any of the different elongated invertebrate; such as, an eye worm, flatworm, pinworm, and seat worm.

Herbal First Aide

No home should be without this recipe for an herbal first aide kit.

You must have Aloe Vera. The gel from the plant’s leaves will help in relieving pain, and healing burns and cuts. Believe me, I know this works.

Also, you should have Arnica. Another healing gel that will take the blue out of bruises.

Take Calendula. When taken as a tea, this dry leaf will help clean cuts.

For indigestion, anxiety and insomnia, take some Chamomile in tea form.

You should most definitely take Echinachea if you want to treat the flu or the common cold.

Gingerroot is great for relaxing the stomach, killing nausea, and putting an end to motion sickness.

Keep a bottle of Witch Hazel handy to stop infections, and heal minor burns and rashes.

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Herbal Resources

The Herb Book by John Lust
The Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch
Back to Eden, 2nd Revised Edition by Jethro Kloss & Promise K. Moffet
Children’s Herbal Health by Deanne Tenney
Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook by James Duke, Ph.D
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Michael Nurray, N.D.
Herbally Yours by Penny C. Royal
A Modern Herbal by Mrs. Grieve
Desk Reference to Nature’s Medicine by Steven Foster and Rebecca L. Johnson