Articles for tag: Excedrin, Excedrin Pm, Migraine Headaches, White Pants

How Surgery Cured Me of Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches have for years disrupted my quality of life. I have vivid memories of the excruciating pain that overcame me, especially during the summer on hot, humid days. Later on, as I became an adult, the migraine headaches relentlessly continued on. They were especially disabling during my menstrual cycle, as according to my doctor, ...

Migraine Tips and Tricks

Migraine headaches can be a debilitating illness. The headaches are often severely painful and can last for several days. With this kind of pain, migraine headaches can often affect every day life. Some people lose their jobs because they’re unable to work some days due to the headaches. Since this can be such an issue, ...

Karla News

Natural Relief from Menstrual Migraines

As a regular migraine suffer I know what a pain in the head they can be and especially around and during my menstrual cycle. Menstrual migraines cause nausea, vomiting, head pains, blurred vision, and chills, but you do not have to suffer from the symptoms menstrual migraines can cause. I know I don’t and have ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches

A “Migraine Headache” is basically an intense, throbbing pain in one, or both sides, of a person’s head. During a headache of this type, the sufferer is over sensitive to light and sound. He or she will often experience nausea, and maybe even vomiting. Even though this type of headache is caused by a neurological ...

Karla News

How to Avoid Seasonal, Weather Related Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches have many causes, or triggers. Some of them can be controlled, such a migraine headaches caused by certain foods, or flashing lights and loud noises. Other causes, such as the monthly hormonal changes in women that often trigger migraines, cannot be controlled. Other such triggers are the change of seasons, and the weather ...

Karla News

Migraine Headaches and Barometric Pressure

I am a frequent sufferer of debilitating migraine headaches. Those of you out there who understand what I mean when I say “debilitating migraine” will most likely also understand what I am saying when I report that I, with a lot of help from my husband, go to great lengths to track circumstances around the ...

How to Get Rid of Migraine and Sinus Headaches

If you suffer from headaches, you know how painful and debilitating they can feel. Luckily, there are many ways to naturally and chemically reduce your headaches so that you can get on with your daily life. Some people suffer from sinus headaches, which are due to congestion and pressure in the sinuses, small holes deep ...