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Neck Pillows and Neck and Shoulder Pain

Bursitis, Herniated Disc, Neck Pillow, Tendinitis

Those who are tall and those with naturally longer necks are just as susceptible to neck and shoulder pain as shorter people. However, many neck support pillows are not created with taller people in mind. There are some out there that offer the support that you need.

Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can stem from a variety of causes ranging from nerves to muscles. Muscle strains are an overuse injury that can occur without warning. For example, if you drive for a prolonged period of time, you may wake up the next morning with your neck muscles sore and tight.

As we age, our neck joints are prone to wear and tear. This means that they just wear down and osteoarthritis eventually develops. This can cause pain and stiffness in the neck.

A bone spur or herniated disc in the neck can lead to nerve compression. This can cause pain and weakness that have the potential to radiate down an arm or shoulder.

Whiplash is a common injury often associated with automobile accidents. The tissues in the neck are stretched beyond what they should be resulting in pain and stiffness.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

Bursitis is an inflammatory issue associated with causing increased friction between the bone and gliding muscles. Pain and stiffness often result.

Tendinitis means that there is an inflamed tendon in your shoulder. This, like bursitis, can cause pain and stiffness.

A shoulder impingement can also cause pain and weakness. When this occurs, the rotator cuff tendons and bursa are being pinched by the acromium.

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How a Tall Neck Pillow can Help with Neck and Shoulder Pain

A tall neck pillow can help those with longer necks maintain proper spinal alignment. When the neck is in proper alignment, the neck and shoulder muscles will not become fatigued and strained. The joints in the spine will remain in their right position and it may help to take some pressure off of nerve roots, especially in the case of herniated neck discs.

With inflammatory issues, such as tendinitis and bursitis, using a neck pillow during inflammation can help to ensure proper alignment is maintained. Keeping proper alignment and slightly immobilizing the neck may help to promote healing and reduce pain and stiffness.

This type of pillow can help with more minor pre-existing neck issues, as well as help to prevent other minor issues, such as strains when driving for long periods of time.

Choosing a Tall Neck Pillow

Those that are over 6’4 will generally need a tall neck pillow as the standard three-inch neck pillows will not be enough to fully support the neck. The same goes for those with naturally longer necks. A tall neck pillow will be about five inches tall to accommodate a longer neck. The tall Sunshine neck pillow is made specifically with longer necks in mind. This ergonomic pillow provides significant support and stability so that you can rest comfortably and keep your neck in alignment. This will ensure a restful sleep in which you will wake up pain-free.