Articles for tag: Bone Spurs, Plum Pudding

Karla News

All About the Breed: Dalmatian

Also known as the Dalmatinac, Carriage Dog, Coach Dog, English Coat Dog, Spotted Coach Dog, Spotted Dick, Firehouse Dog, Plum Pudding Dog, and simply the Dally, the Dalmatian is an intelligent and loyal breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to purchase a pet and if this breed is right for you? ...

Causes of Back Pain for Women

Anyone who has experienced back knows that it affects the quality of life in myriad ways. Back pain is a debilitating condition that cause lost hours of work, missed social functions, and lower quality of life overall. “Strong, Women, Strong Backs” by Miriam E. Nelson Ph.D., Friedman School of Nutrition, Science and Policy, Tufts University; ...

Karla News

Iontophoresis and Physical Therapy

What is iontophoresis? Iontophoresis is the use of an electrical current to deliver medication through the skin to a specific treatment area. This is another way of delivering medication to an area other than orally or with a needle injection. The type of medication used will be based on the desired effect to the treated ...

Karla News

Concerns Surrounding Jaw Pain

With any health related issues specifically linked with pain there are always levels of severity. Jaw pain is no exception; there are two basic levels related with Jaw pain and these issues typically are dealt with by a dental professional. If the pain is in the secondary level then a specialist is required to deal ...

Karla News

What is a Bone Spur?

What is a bone spur? How do you know you have a bone spur, and can you do something about a bone spur once you discover you have one? Learn what a bone spur is and how you can tell you have one, and most of all, what you can do about it. A bone ...

Karla News

Bone Spurs (Osteophytes) of the Hip Joint

Bone Spurs (Osteophytes) A bone spur or ostophyte is a bony projection that forms along joints. They are seen in conditions like arthritis. The bone spurs limit joint motion and can cause major pain. A bone spur can cause extreme pain in the knee, elbow, hip, shoulder, spine, nose, mouth, heel, fingers, toes, or neck. ...

Karla News

Arthritis of the Big Toe

Hallux rigidus is a form of degenerative arthritis that occurs in the joint at the base of the big toe. People who have fallen arches or excessive pronation (rolling) of the ankle are more likely to develop hallux rigidus. It most commonly affects people between the ages of 30 and 60, and can be inherited ...

Karla News

My Personal Experience: Neck Surgery and Recovery

After years of on-and-off problems and then seven consecutive months of no relief I was left with one option: neck surgery. I would like to begin with a brief description of what led up to this final option. My symptoms included neck and upper back pain between my shoulder blades with tingling and numbness in ...

Karla News

Clubfoot a Birth Defect

Clubfoot affects an average of 1 in 1000 live births¹. Clubfoot is found mostly in males sometimes either one or both limbs affected. And with several methods of treatment clubfoot babies can grow and lead a somewhat normal life often filled with pain and misery. Without foot problems one may not be able to understand ...