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The Gonads or Reproductive Glands: Human Anatomy 101

Human Anatomy, Impotence, Slow Learners

The following information has been gathered and compiled through personal experience while traveling, teaching T’ai Chi, Qi Gong, Chinese Herbal medicine, martial arts and other health related subjects. The article also contains feedback from students and anecdotal information from readers of my columns. The following are my opinions and deductions from those sources.

So far, in my articles on anatomy, the endocrine glands have been the same for male and female. Even though the male and female reproductive glands are different, there are still a lot of similarities.

Hormones determine how we age. According to Professor Henry Simms of Columbia University, “Through the analysis of mortality tables, (on children who died quickly and not from illness) it has been discovered (vital life signs, etc.) that at the age of 10 years the life expectancy should be 550 years. After the age of 10 the life expectancy declines by 8% per year. This appears due primarily to sludging (thickening and pollution) of the blood, impairments in hormonal secretions and loss of body vigor.” He said that in the 1930’s.

According to Dr. Herman Rubin, “It is a fact that the selection of the diet has infinitely more to do with the physical and psychological makeup of an individual than any other single condition. One of the principal reasons for this is the influence of the glands (endocrine glands) that control growth, stamina, energy-expression, vitality and longevity.” He said that during the 1940’s.

Since we haven’t physiologically changed much in the last 50,000 years, we must be either slow learners or placing too much faith in the Lone Ranger, silver bullets and technology to the rescue.

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Lifestyle choices, diet, exercise and emotional aspects, that influence any and all other parts of our lives, will ultimately impact our sexual vitality and it will in turn impact the rest of our lves. If impotence is emotionally based, resorting to a pharmaceutical won’t address the cause. If the problem is of a physical nature, the sufferer may be well advised to consider their diet, exercise and lifestyle choices in an effort to determine what the cause is as opposed to looking for a quick fix, panacea in a pill or treating symptoms. Impotence, more often than not, is like any other symptom; it’s the body’s way of telling us there’s a problem.

A diet that assists the glands will be beneficial in helping to make passing through menopause and climacteric much less stressful.

Directly in the middle of the pubic bone is an acupoint for the prostate and uterus and treats neck pain in both sexes. Directly below the outer corners of the lip and in the center of the jawbone is a contact for the common cold that also treats male impotence. Inside of the upper leg along its entire length is the contact for both male and female sex hormones. There are many acupoints for helping make the transition(s) through menopause and climacteric easier. By doing a complete body massage, it’s possible to find the tender points that need attention. If the reader makes notes of the tender points and then gets a good acupressure book, it should be possible to understand the problem and affect a remedy.

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Foods that are beneficial to over stressed gonads are apple, apricot, banana, berries, cantaloupe, cherries, fig, mango, nectarine, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, strawberry and watermelon. Recommended protein sources are chicken, turkey, fish, egg and some cheeses. Most vegetables are beneficial. Salads are the same combinations as for thyroid. Dairy for the most part is an avoidance food. Beverage of choice is red clover tea. Nowhere in any beneficial foods list are junk foods, highly processed foods, sugar, caffeine or alcohol.