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Mike Geary’s Truth About 6 Pack Abs Program and Abdominal Truths Vs. Myths


I want to explain to you in very simple and straight forward terms, just how to get those rock hard washboard abs without a whole lot of so called miracle pills and expensive diets. When you start your journey to get 6 pack abs, it is important to remember that, everybody has a six pack. EVERYBODY! Abs are muscles that you use all of the time in daily life.

NOW, What you need to do is get rid of the fat that is covering you abs, thats it. I want to spell out for you, the truth vs, the myths about how to get that six pack:

Myth: In order to get great abdominals, you need to do hundreds of crunches and sit ups.

Truth: You can get an awesome set of washboard abs without getting on the floor, to do crunches or sit ups in fact crunches are much less effective than many other exercises.

Myth: You have to eat an extremely low amount of carbohydrates in order to lose your belly fat.

Truth: Your body absolutely needs good healthy carbs to be in the best condition possible. Carbs are what your body uses for fuel combined with fat. you should eat a healthy carb ( fruit, whole wheat, etc.) at every meal.

Myth: The fewer calories you eat per day, the better it is for you to reach that goal of a six pack.

Truth: You have to eat a certain amount of calories per day if you want to burn fat, otherwise you are starving your body and your body will start to store the food you eat as fat rather than use it for fuel.

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Myth: The more cardio you do the faster you will see results.

Truth: Long, Boring and repetitive cardio is NOT the best way to see those six pack abs. Muscle is what will burn that fat day and night. You need to do full body exercises that involve many major muscle groups at least three times per week for about 30 mins. Cardio is very important to your health, but the most effective cardio you can do if you want to look ripped, lean and sexy, is interval cardio. Cardio that will get your heart racing and then bring it back down and then repeat. For example, 3 minutes non stop of sprinting, then resting 1 minutes, then jumping jack, then rest, etc. for 20 minutes.

Myth: Diet pills will get your ripped much faster than not using them.

Truth: Most diet pills are complete junk and a waste of money. They are almost always simply packed with caffeine in order to get your adreniline going and then you crash. There are some things that will help you speed up the process, like green tea. These things are natural though and not processed.

Why Is Mike Gearys’ Ab Program, The Truth About 6 Pack Abs Ranked #1?

The answer is very simple. It’s the TRUTH. People like yourself are starving for the truth about getting healthy and you are bombarded with so much junk that is created for one simple thing. PROFIT! that’s it. Truth is scarce out there in the diet pill, ab roller, etc. world. Mike Geary tells the truth plain and simple and completely opens up your eyes to see that it is very possible for you to realize your dream of having a sexy washboard stomach.
He shows you exactly how many healthy foods are out there and what you should eat and when to eat them and also what workouts you should do to maximize your results.
The Truth About 6 Pack Abs Program has been read by over a quarter of a million people from around the world. I’m thankful to Mike Geary for his fantastic Efforts to bring the truth to the rest of us who are looking for the answers. You will get those sexy washboard abs if you just do what he shows you to do. It is that simple. Your six pack awaits. Don’t leave it waiting any longer.

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Foods That You Should Eat!

  • Organic REAL maple syrup – none of that high fructose corn syrup. Theonly time I really use this (because of the high sugar load) is added to my post-workout meals to sweeten things up and also elicit an insulin surge to push nutrients into your muscles to aid muscle recovery.
  • Organic unsweetened cocoa powder – I like to mix this into my smoothies for an extra jolt of antioxidants or make my own low-sugar hot cocoa by mixing cocoa powder into hot milk with stevia and a couple melted dark chocolate chunks (delicious!).
    • Walnuts, pecans, almonds – delicious and great sources of healthy fats. Try to get raw nuts if possible as the roasting process can oxidize some of the polyunsaturated fats in some types of nuts making those damaged fats slightly more inflammatory. Overall, nuts are still healthy even if they are roasted, but raw nuts are optimal.


    • Cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and yogurt (grass-fed and organic if possible) – I like to mix cottage or ricotta cheese and yogurt together with chopped nuts and berries for a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon meal.


    • Chia seeds and/or hemp seeds – I add these highly nutritious seeds to yogurt, smoothies, or salads for a great nutty taste and loads of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins and minerals. Don’t use pre-ground versions of these seeds. No grinding is necessary to properly digest these seeds. These are a great addition to meals and will help as you work towards those washboard abs.
  • Much, Much, MORE..
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