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Low Calorie Diet Candy

100 Calorie Packs, Low Calorie Recipes

The word diet is a dreadful expression. Not only does the word begin with die, but for many people it signifies loss. However, the loss it expresses is not a loss of weight. Instead it is the loss of everything tasty. Contrary to popular belief, a person does not have to feel like they are dying to successfully lose weight. In reality, to be successful with weight loss, it is essential to keep all preferred foods on the menu, and this includes candy. A diet that involves complete deprivation is a diet that is certain to fail. Try the following low calorie candy instead of going completely without, and forget about those overpriced skimpy 100-calorie packs. You can have your sweets and eat them too!

Do Not Be Fooled by Sugarless Candy

When people are on a diet, many gravitate to the sugarless candy section hoping to find low calorie sweets, but sugarless varieties are loaded with calories. One level teaspoon of real sugar only contains fifteen calories. It is the fat that causes problems. Do not let the lack of sugar in sugarless candy fool you. It is the calories that ultimately count, and it is important to read labels to determine the best low calorie candy when trying to stick to a low calorie diet.

Fun Dip on a Low Calorie Diet

One of my favorite kinds of low calorie candy is Fun Dip. After eating the sweet powder with a the white sugary stick, the tasty stick is also edible, and unlike sweets that are devoured in a minute or two, Fun Dip takes a while to devour. Better yet, it has just 50 calories in a single serving, and this includes the stick! Two different flavors can be enjoyed without ruining a low calorie diet.

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Choose York Peppermint Patties From the Candy Rack

A full-size York Peppermint Pattie is one of the lowest calorie bars on the candy rack. One York Peppermint Pattie only has 140 calories. This is at least 100 calories less than the typical candy bar! It offers a crisp chocolate coating with a creamy white mint filling, and it is absolutely delectable.

Blow Pops on a Low Calorie Diet

Charms Blow Pops have been a favorite lollipop for a very long time, and it is a low calorie candy that is perfect for those on a diet. A single Charms Blow Pop in one of several flavors only has 50 calories. Personally, I would rather enjoy two Charms Blow Pops than a skimpy 100-calorie prepackaged snack that will be gone in two minutes flat.

Gummy Worm Candy

Those wanting candy and trying to stick to a low calorie diet can enjoy classic gummy worms. A single gummy worm only has about 25 calories. Gummies are filling, and they will satisfy a sweet tooth without blowing a low calorie diet.

Cadbury Eggs on a Low Calorie Diet

I absolutely love Cadbury Eggs, and even though I am not on a low calorie diet, I would choose this sweet treat over higher calorie options. A creme filled Cadbury Egg made with premium melt-in-your-mouth chocolate only has about 170 calories. Although it has more than 100 calories, it is still less than the number of calories in a typical bar of chocolate.

Instead of starving and depriving yourself on a low calorie diet, enjoy sweets in moderation. This is the key to a successful diet, and the word diet does not even have to come into play. It can be a change in eating habits and a change in lifestyle instead of a diet. A few pieces of low calorie candy will satisfy your desire for sweets without adding a huge number of calories to your daily intake of food.

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Sources: http://www.sugar.org


