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How to Relieve a Stiff Neck

Muscle Strain

Are you experiencing neck pain and stiffness? Stress, lack of exercise, and poor posture can all take their toll on the neck muscles giving rise to the symptoms of a stiff neck. If you sleep without good neck support at night and sit hunched over in front of a computer screen during the day, it can further aggravate the problem. In mild cases, the pain may be confined only to the neck, while in more severe cases; a headache can also be present. This situation is never easy to deal with particularly when you’re a busy person on the go. Even driving can be a problem since the pain makes it difficult to turn your head. What can be done to relieve a stiff neck?

What Causes a Stiff Neck?

Although most cases of stiff neck are due to muscle strain arising from ergonomic problems poor posture, and stress; in some cases it can be a sign of a more serious condition. If neck stiffness is associated with a fever and headache, it can be a sign of meningitis, a life threatening condition that requires immediate treatment, or even a spinal cord tumor. Don’t assume that a stiff neck is due to muscle strain if you have other symptoms such as fever, chills, severe headache, or numbness in the upper extremities. These are signs that you need to see a doctor immediately.

What Can You Do to Relieve a Stiff Neck?

If you’re suffering from a stiff neck related to muscle strain, you may be tempted to limit activity. Don’t. This can actually make the problem worse. To relieve a stiff neck, gentle range of motion exercises should be used to relieve some of the muscle spasm. These would involve slowly moving the chin to the chest, then the ears to each shoulder, being careful not to move too quickly. These slow, controlled movements help to relax strained neck muscles and relieve some of the neck pain and stiffness. Once the pain and stiffness have subsided, it’s important to start a regular training program to strengthen and condition the neck muscles to reduce the risk of future problems. A gentle neck massage may also be helpful.

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Other Ways to Relieve a Stiff Neck

Heat can work wonders to relieve a stiff neck, and moist heat is generally more effective than dry heat. One of the best ways to treat a stiff neck is to stand in a warm shower and allow the water to hit your neck muscles for five to ten minutes. Once you get out of the shower, apply a hot water bottle to the neck and leave it on for an additional twenty minutes. If you don’t have a hot water bottle, a heating pad will also work. Anti-inflammatory medications or aspirin can be effective for pain relief.

How to Prevent Problems With a Stiff Neck

Using these methods to relieve a stiff neck, you should improve within a few days. To prevent future neck problems, it’s important to support your neck during sleep. You can purchase special neck support pillows online which are far better for neck support than a soft, feather pillow. Strength training to condition neck muscles and exercises to improve posture is also important. Be careful not to hold your neck in one position too long when working at your computer. Stop, walk around, and do gentle range of motion exercises every hour to prevent stiffness. These steps will go far towards preventing future neck stiffness.