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How I Cured My Insomnia With a Single Mineral Supplement

Magnesium Deficiency, Restless Legs Syndrome

Insomnia is both physically and emotionally draining. When you are already under stress from life pressures or disease, night after night tossing and turning can literally make you ill. Lack of sleep can make you obsess about sleep, and the harder you try to sleep, the worse your insomnia can become. Physical causes for insomnia should be ruled out by a doctor if your insomnia has lasted more than two weeks.

Finding a Combination That Works

It’s bad enough when you can’t sleep, but getting to sleep, then waking up several times a night is beyond frustrating. I had tried everything to get to sleep and stay asleep: melatonin, L-tryptophan, chamomile tea, and even diphenhydramine antihistamines. Nothing worked and after months of being sleep deprived, I was getting more desperate every day. My doctor prescribed Ambien to help me get back into my natural circadian rhythm, which helped for the seven days I had it, but once that prescription was out, the sleepless nights were back. I started doing research on the mechanisms in your body that cause sleep and what vitamins, minerals or food were necessary for those gears to turn. What I found were three minerals — calcium, magnesium and zinc.

How Does Calcium Relax You?

You’ve all heard that a glass of warm milk will help you sleep, and there is some truth in that. Milk contains calcium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of your nerves, heart and muscles. Calcium blocks muscles’ reaction to stimuli, which in effect, relaxes the muscles. It stands to reason that when your muscles are relaxed, you’re more likely to be able to sleep.

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Why Do You Need Magnesium and Zinc with Calcium?

Calcium and magnesium are known as cofactors, which means they need each other for either to work properly. Magnesium acts to enable the body to store calcium. It also acts in much the same way as calcium to relax your muscles.

Studies have shown that magnesium deficiency can mimic many other diseases, including heart disease, by causing coronary spasms and abnormal heart rhythms. Restless legs syndrome and muscle cramps have been associated with magnesium deficiency.

Zinc is necessary for proper immune function, and to create protein and DNA. Zinc isn’t a cofactor of calcium or magnesium, but calcium can reduce the absorption of zinc, so it’s best to take zinc at the same time to ensure you don’t become deficient.

How to Use Calcium-Magnesium -Zinc Supplements for Insomnia

Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc tablets are available inexpensively in any pharmacy as a single, balanced supplement. You shouldn’t expect overnight results. It can take up to two weeks for them to fully cure your insomnia, but results are usually seen within a week. Calcium is best absorbed at night, so it’s advisable to take this supplement a couple of hours before your bedtime. Crushing the tablets helps them be absorbed into your bloodstream more quickly.

If you have heart problems, kidney stones or hypercalcemia, you should get your doctor’s permission before taking any calcium supplement. Never megadose on these supplements, as they need to be taken in the correct dosages in relation to each other to be effective. A single, balanced supplement tablet is the best way to insure the correct dosage.

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The NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center: Calcium and Vitamin D: Important at Every Age
MedlinePlus.com: Magnesium in Diet
Medline Plus: Insomnia
Office of Dietary Supplements–National Institutes of Health: Zinc