Articles for tag: Home Remedy, Kidney Stones, Lemon Juice

Home Remedy for Kidney Stones

Some people discover they have their first kidney stone because they had to visit the emergency room due to having such excruiciating pain in their back, side or groin. Tests are often run to confirm the problem, then the patient is confronted with the various medical procedures available for dealing with getting rid of the ...

Cloudy Urine and Kidney Stones

Cloudy urine and kidney stones can be a matched pair in many cases. Kidney stones are very small bit of calcium that condense in the tubes of your kidneys and cause excruciating pain. These stones can travel down to the ureters (the tube connecting the kidney to the bladder). It is here that kidney stones ...

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Whether they are the size of a grain or the size of a golf ball, the truth is that kidney stones are usually very painful. Kidney stones or renal calculi are formed due to an imbalance in the chemicals found in urine such as uric acid, phosphorous, calcium and oxalic acid. If the size of ...

Karla News

How to Naturally Prevent Kidney Stones

If you’ve ever passed a kidney stone, you won’t forget the pain-wrenching experience. Kidney stones commonly start out as a conglomeration of calcium crystals that form hard masses inside your kidneys. These stones are caused by too much calcium in your urine. You can have one or more kidney stones and not realize it since ...

Karla News

What to Expect During Kidney Stone Surgery

When a kidney stone problem is quite severe, surgery is often recommended as the best course of action. There are different types of kidney stone surgeries though, and which one your doctor recommends will depend on how many kidney stones you have, how large the stones are, and where they are located within your urinary ...

Karla News

Prevent Kidney Stones Naturally

About three years ago, I experienced my first kidney stones. Within a year, my son was having kidney stones too. Then last year, my daughter who is only 14, started having them. Boy do I believe in sharing my DNA, huh? I have done research on how to try to prevent or lessen kidney stones. ...

Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally

The best way to dissolve kidney stones is to develop healthy habits like increasing your water consumption, lowering your stress level, and being more active. Calcium is the most common form of kidney stones which develop when there is a high level of calcium in the urine, lack of citrate or insufficient water in the ...

Exploding Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, also known as calculi, are usually made up from calcium, uric acid, oxalate or phosphate. These are found accumulated in the urinary track and the kidneys. There are many likely causes for kidney stones including not drinking enough water to flush out the your system, consuming too much milk, cheese, and protein, and ...

Karla News

The Best Foods to Eat if You Have Kidney Stones

Kidney stones form for a variety of reasons. Some people are more at risk of developing kidney stones than others, due to hereditary factors, illnesses, or medications they may be taking. Sometimes however, kidney stones can develop simply because of the foods you eat, or the lack of enough fluids in your body. The kidneys ...

Karla News

The Different Types of Kidney Stones

If you have or have had a kidney stone, you probably already know how painful it can be. But did you know that there are actually different types of kidney stones? Kidneys are a pair of organs that are responsible for filtering out the waste products and water from our blood. A kidney stone or ...