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Home Remedies for Dry Cough

Dry Cough, Home Remedies, Phlegm

Coughing happens naturally when we are trying to clear our throats of some form of irritation. There are two kinds of cough – the wet and dry cough. Wet cough often comes with phlegm or mucus while dry cough is characterized by an absence of phlegm and mucus which can lead to pain in the throat. For most people, dry cough brings more discomfort than wet cough, because of the chest pain, and the irritation in the throat that result from it. This is why it is important to know home remedies for dry cough, which can bring immediate relief from the discomfort, especially among young children.

Dry cough can be caused by a lot of factors, but the most common are smoking, pollution, dust and allergy. Today, the most effective way to get relief from this condition is to use home remedies for dry cough which often use natural products. It is best to administer natural or herbal medications to patients with dry cough, rather than use cough medications that can cause side effects such as drowsiness and are often more expensive than natural remedies, which can easily be found in your own kitchen.

Home remedies for dry cough have been used in many countries for generations, even before the advent of pharmaceutical medications. Here are a few examples of these home remedies which you can give a try:

1. The most common among home remedies for dry cough is gargling with lukewarm water and salt. Gargle as often as you can using this solution. You can also boil some henna leaves and use this for gargling, instead.

See also  Natural Ways to Stop a Cough

2. Ginger has been used for decades as one of the home remedies for dry cough. You can extract the juice from ginger and add some pure honey with is. Drink this 3 or 4 times a day and you will notice instant relief from your dry cough.

3. Alternatively, you can peel off the outer skin of the ginger and then put a pinch of salt on the ginger and start chewing it. The juice from the ginger will soothe the pain in your throat which is caused by excessive coughing.

4. You can also brew ginger tea by putting some ginger in water and boiling it. You can then add some tea leaves, sprinkle your tea with pepper powder and a couple of basil leaves. This is best taken while hot to soothe your scratched throat.

5. Black pepper and caraway seeds with a pinch of salt can also work. Make a ball out of this mixture and suck on it until you obtain relief from the dry cough.

6. Turmeric can also do wonders for your throat. Add about a teaspoon of honey with the turmeric power, and take this for about three times a day and you will soon experience relief from your dry cough.

A common problem with dry cough is trying to get some sleep. Most people have found that a glass of warm milk mixed with honey is one of the best home remedies for dry cough, which can also help you get a good night sleep.

Home remedies for cough are easy to do and easy to find. Remember to consult your physician if your dry cough persists, as this may be a symptom of a more serious disease.