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Natural Ways to Stop a Cough

Cough Drops, Natural Ways, Phlegm

A cough can be extremely irritating. What starts out as a little tickle in the throat becomes a hacking fest that continues day and night. Over-the-counter medicine sometimes works, but the side effects are often as unpleasant as the symptoms it is supposed to treat. Instead of using over-the-counter medications, consider the following natural ways to stop a cough. My grandmother always used natural methods of care, and she lived well into her eighties. Natural ways to stop a cough are often just as good or better than other methods, and best of all they have fewer side effects.

Precautionary Statement

Do not use natural methods of self-treatment in an attempt to stop a chronic cough. When in doubt, see a doctor for professional care and advice. Coughing can be a symptom of a acute problem, and serious medical conditions should be ruled out before using natural ways to stop a cough. In addition, infants should never be given honey because it can cause botulism in infants less than twelve months old.

Stop Coughing with Soothing Honey and Lemon Tea

Store-bought cough drops sometimes contain honey and lemon, but in miniscule amounts. Instead of buying cough drops that might not work, go natural. Make a cup of hot green tea flavored with natural lemon and honey. The natural lemon is packed with vitamin C, and it will cut the phlegm. The honey will coat the throat and stop the irritation.

Try a Spoonful of Natural Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many natural uses, and it works quite well to stop a cough. It will cut the phlegm and stop the scratchiness that often comes with a cough. It can be taken warm or cold, and although it does not taste good, it really works.

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Stop Coughing with a Hot Steam Treatment

A hot steam treatment is another one of the best ways to stop a cough. Heat a large bowl of water, and cover it with a moist towel. Cover your head with a large towel, and lean over the bowl. Remove the towel from the bowl of water and let the steam clear your airways. Not only will the steam help stop a cough, but it will also open the pores of the skin and help you feel refreshed.

Try Natural Cayenne Pepper Tablets

Ground cayenne pepper works well to clear away phlegm and stop a cough, but many people cannot tolerate the spice. Instead of taking ground cayenne pepper in natural form, consider taking tablets to help stop a cough. Follow product label instructions for warnings and dosage advice.

Stop Coughing with Cinnamon and Lime

My grandmother’s Mexican neighbor and friend regularly used a combination of cinnamon and lime juice to help stop a cough, and it really worked. Simply boil one or two natural cinnamon sticks in one cup of natural lime juice. The vitamin C will boost immunity and the cinnamon combined with the lime will help cut excess phlegm.

Try this Natural Cool Washcloth Method

Is a terrible cough keeping you or a child up all night? Try my grandmother’s most used method that works to stop a cough. Place a washcloth under cold water, ring it out, and place it over the throat while lying down. Cover the cold washcloth with a dry hand towel. I do not know exactly how this method works, but it helps stop a cough. Best of all it is completely natural and does not require the use of medications.