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Home Treatments for Minor Coughing in Dogs and Puppies

Coughing, Dextromethorphan, Home Remedies for Dogs

Canines do not cough as much as humans. Coughing is a symptom of many medical conditions in dogs. When a dog coughs, it often sounds as if the source of the cough in deep in the chest. Dogs or puppies that cough once and then do not cough again for hours do not need to go to the vet. It’s most likely they had a tickle or slight obstruction that was easily cleared.

The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Dogs and Cats” (Bantam Books, 1997) urge all dogs and puppies that cough continuously or keeps on coughing for more than 24 hours should see the vet. Any dog or puppy that also has other symptoms like fever, problems breathing or a change in appetite should also see a vet as soon as possible. The vet will want to know if the dog is coughing up anything like foam or mucus or if the cough is dry. There are other things you can do to help calm the cough.

Over the Counter Human Medication

There is a human cough suppressant that works for dogs, too. The magic ingredient is dextromethorphan. This is found in many store brand medications, in Benelyn DM and in some types of Robitussin cough medicines. Be sure the medicine does not contain alcohol or caffeine, because these chemicals may upset the dog’s digestive system. The usual dose is one teaspoon for every 20 pounds that the dog weighs. If you are unsure abut the dosage, please call your vet.

Liquid medication tends to work better than pills because it immediately coats the dog’s throat. You may need to tilt the dog’s head up in order to encourage him to swallow it.

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Home Remedies

In a pinch, a spoonful of honey may soothe the dog’s throat, especially for dry coughs like in kennel cough. Some people prefer to mix the honey in warm water before dosing. Dogs are usually far more eager to take honey than Robitussin. However, if your dog has blood sugar issues or severe breathing problems, then you should skip this. Please contact your vet if you are not sure about giving honey to your dog.

There is considerable anecdotal success in giving lukewarm or cool chamomile or peppermint herbal tea to coughing dogs. However, many dogs will refuse tea. Peppermint tea may cause some dogs (such as this writer’s dog) to vomit. If the dog is too stressed to drink a home remedy, forget it. Stress may trigger more coughing.

Humidifiers have been known to help ease breathing and soothe irritated canine throats. Try to keep the dog from irritants like tobacco smoke.

Ease Up on the Collar

Dogs will often pull on their collars so much that they ignore the pain at their throats. But this pulling will greatly aggravate any throat condition. It’s best to get a chest harness in order to walk or otherwise control the dog. The pressure of being held back is spread around the shoulders, chest and back rather than the throat. Some dogs seem to ignore pain in the throat in their excitement at going out for a walk.

No matter if your dog is on a home remedy or a prescription medication for coughing, easing any pressure on the throat will help the treatment do its job.

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“The Veterinarians’ Guide to Your Dog’s Symptoms.” Michael S. Garvey, DVM, et al. Villard, 1999.

Dog Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook.” Debra M. Eldredge, DVM, et al. Howell Book House; 2007.

ASPCA Complete Guide to Dogs.” Sheldon. L. Gerstenfeld, VMD. Chronicle Books; 1999.

The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Dogs and Cats.” Matthew Hoffman, et al. Bantam Books; 1997.
