Articles for tag: Dry Cough, Ginger Tea

Home Remedies for Dry Cough

Dry cough is without phlegm and there are number of causes of dry cough but rapid change of temperature is one of the common causes. Dry coughs can be caused by allergies to irritants like dust, smoke, pollen, freshly cut grass, pets and certain plants, cleaning agents, room deodorizers and chemical fumes. It can also ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Dry Cough

Coughing happens naturally when we are trying to clear our throats of some form of irritation. There are two kinds of cough – the wet and dry cough. Wet cough often comes with phlegm or mucus while dry cough is characterized by an absence of phlegm and mucus which can lead to pain in the ...

Karla News

Four Little Known Causes of a Dry Cough

Are you experiencing an annoying, dry cough? While a dry cough can come from a variety of causes including upper respiratory infections, sinusitis, colds, and flu, and even more serious problems such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and cancer, there are several other dry cough causes that even your doctor might miss. If you have a nagging ...

Karla News

Humidifier VS Vaporizer

It’s winter and the air in your home is very dry. You have a chronic, hacky cough and bronchial congestion. The only relief you feel is when you’re in the shower. Your doctor tells you to get a humidifier but when you get to the store you have no idea what to do. You stand ...

Three Common Causes of Cough at Night

Is your sleep being disrupted by a nagging, dry cough? A chronic cough that occurs only at night can be due to a variety of causes. In some cases, underlying allergies or exposure to respiratory irritants such as cigarette smoke or indoor chemicals can cause a cough at night. The cough may subside during the ...

Karla News

Why You Can’t Stop Coughing

A Chronic cough is a cough that doesn’t go away. It is one of the most common reasons for doctor visits. A Chronic cough can last from two weeks to years with little or no relief. The non stop coughing can cause chest pain, urinary incontinence, dizziness and it can even interfere with your work ...