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Healthy Brown Bag Lunch Ideas for Kids

Fake Food, Nut Butter

Sending our children to school with healthy, nutritious lunches is one of the most important things we can do for them. Their bodies and minds are growing and should be nourished so that they grow into healthy adults. Our children depend on us to feed them healthfully. It is truly one of our greatest parental responsibilities. Taking the time to prepare healthy meals for them impacts their health today and tomorrow. Real, nutritious foods make the difference between a healthy, attentive, ready-to-learn child and a child who frequently gets sick or can’t seem to focus. Everything they put into their little bodies has an impact on their well being. So make wise choices when feeding your children, and know that putting together a healthy brown-bag lunch for them is easier than you think.

I have two children ages 10 and 6 and have been packing them brown-bag school lunches since they were in kindergarten. Both of my children, while not real picky eaters, have strong opinions on what they will and will not eat. So, I’ve become creative over the years in putting together healthy lunches that won’t end up in the trash can.

First and foremost, don’t give your children fake food! This includes artificially-colored yogurt, processed meats, sugar-laden cereal, white bread, “fruit snacks,” processed cheese, peanut butter made with sugar and hydrogenated oils etc…The list is long. I encourage you to read Nina Planck’s book “Real Food.” In it she clearly distinguishes the difference between real and fake food and the negative impact that fake foods have on us all.

So, what can you make for lunch that is healthy and not too time consuming to put together? Below I will list my kids’ top seven favorite “homemade” lunches. All can be made in advance.

1. Cheese and Fruit Platter. This is so easy to put together. Cut up chunks of real cheese. Real cheese is made with milk not oil. Cut up chunks of fruit or just use whole fruit. For example, I will give my kids grapes, strawberries, cantaloupe slices or an apple, and with that I will pack a good, quality real cheese. The main focus here is to use fresh, fruit that your children like and real cheese. Pack the cheese and fruit separately in sandwich baggies or containers.

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2. Hummus with Vegetable sticks. Hummus a wonderful, tasty, healthy Middle-Eatern dip made with garbanzo beans, olive oil, lemon juice, parsley and garlic, and most kids love it. Trader Joe’s sells a delicious, high quality hummus. Scoop some hummus into a small container. Then, slice up or buy some carrot sticks, celery sticks, broccoli florets, or cherry tomatoes for your child to dip into the hummus. Pick a vegetable your child likes and she will be apt to scrape up every bit of hummus with it.

3. Nut-Butter, Honey and Banana Sandwich Made on Whole-Grain Bread. Buy a real nut butter made of only ground nuts. Trader Joe’s sells a variety of real nut butters, like peanut, cashew, almond and macadamia. Spread the nut butter on a slice of whole-grain bread, smash-up a banana and spread that over the nut butter, and then drizzle a tiny bit of honey over it all. Top with another slice of bread, and you’ve got a delicious, healthy sandwich. Pair that with an apple or grapes and you’ve got a satisfying lunch.

4. BLT. Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich. First, buy a quality, uncured bacon. Trader Joe’s sells Niman Ranch, uncured bacon and it is heavenly. Cook your bacon in advance on a cookie sheet in the oven at 400 degrees for about 12 minutes. Then store it, already cooked, in the fridge so that you have it on hand when you need it for a sandwich. Using whole grain bread, spread a little real mayonnaise on one side, top with shredded lettuce, sliced tomoato and strips of bacon. Cover with another slice of bread. That sandwich packs it all!

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5. Pizza. Yes, cold pizza makes a great lunch for kids. Be sure to use a quality pizza, like Amy’s Organic Pizza, which can be found at Sprouts, Whole Foods and some traditional grocery stores in the organic-foods section. Cook the pizza, slice it and then refrigerate it so that you have it on hand for lunches. Pair this with sliced fresh veggies or fruit, and you’ve got one happy, satisfied kid.

6. Greek Yogurt and Fruit. This is so simple, yet nutritious and my kids love it! Use a real yogurt!! Please, no neon-colored yogurt. Trader Joe’s sells a delightful, thick and creamy Greek Yogurt called Face Greek-Style Yogurt, and it comes in several fruit flavors prepackaged in individual serving sizes. All you need to do is remember the spoon. Put this in your child’s lunch box along with some fresh fruit and they’ll stay energized throughout the school day.

7. Veggie and Cheese Sandwich. I craved these when I was pregnant with my daughter and as a result this is her most requested sandwich. All you need is whole-grain bread, shredded lettuce, shredded carrots, tomato slices, real cheese, and real mayonnaise. Spread some mayo on a slice of bread, then cover with lettuce, carrots and tomato slices. Put a slice of real cheese over that, and then top with another slice of bread. This is a refreshing sandwich during the warm months.

What about dessert? Okay, we all know that our little sweeties look for a sweet in their lunch. There are some “not-so-bad” treats out there and it’s a great idea to include one in your child’s lunch. The company Clif makes an organic twisted fruit rope treat called “Clif Kid.” These are similar to those “fruit snacks” that our kids seem to be drawn to, only without all of the fake additives. A Clif Kid Twisted Fruit Rope is simply made with pureed fruit, fruit juice, “organic flavor” and pectin. They come in many flavors, and my kids love them. You can find Clif Kids at Sprouts, some Walmarts and Azure Standard, which is an on-line food mecca.

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Also, my kids look forward to having meringue cookies for dessert. Meringues are typically made with very few ingredients including egg white and sugar. The main focus here is “very few ingredients.” Trader Joe’s sells a delicious variety of reasonably-priced meringues that satisfy a sweet tooth.

And, finally, what should you pack your child to drink? For me the choice is simple, either organic whole milk or water. I stay away from fruit juices, even the ones that say “100 % juice” because there is just too much sugar in fruit juice. Even when no sugar is added there is still too much natural sugar in fruit juice, which causes your blood-sugar levels to spike and then you end up feeling tired. To put it simply, I’ve noticed that when my children drink fruit juice they get hyper and then within an hour’s time they’re tired and grumpy. Organic Whole milk or water are the best drink choices.

Buy your child a colorful, spacious lunch box and an ice pack, and everyday fill that lunch box with healthy, nutritious, real foods. You’ll find making healthy lunches at home is easy and gives you piece of mind knowing that you’ve sent your child to school with food that will keep him healthy and alert.