Articles for tag: Fruit Drinks, Fruit Punch, Juice Boxes

Karla News

Best Healthy Toddler Juices

Are you looking for healthy alternatives to caffeinated sodas and fruit drinks that have more sugar in them than juice? Toddlers love juice, but shouldn’t get more than 8 oz. a day, and you want those 8 oz. to be healthy ones. Here are some healthy choices of juice for your toddler, all with no ...

Karla News

Foods You Never Knew Were High in Sugar

Sugar is one of those ingredients that shows up where you least expect it. For example, you may do everything possible to avoid fruit drinks that aren’t 100% juice, but 100% juices contain a lot of sugar as well. You just never know where sugar may be hiding. The following foods are just some of ...

Karla News

Healthy Summer Drinks for Kids

We all have childhood memories of the flavorful drinks that cooled us down after playing hard on hot summer days. For some, those sweet summer drinks are a wonderful memory of childhood, and you can provide your kids with tasty, thirst-quenching summer drinks that are memorable, low-cost, and best of all, healthy. If you don’t ...

Karla News

The Best Coffee Shops in Downtown Hartford, Connecticut

The downtown section of Hartford, Connecticut is a bustling center of business activity during weekdays and home to a number of entertainment attractions at night. Some of the busiest establishments in downtown Hartford, Ct are the many coffee shops that are located throughout the downtown area. With two Starbucks outlets, multiple Dunkin’ Donuts locations and ...

What is Esophagitis?

The esophagus is a muscular tube that carries food to the stomach after it has been swallowed. When the esophagus gets irritated and inflamed, the condition is referred to as Esophagitis. If left untreated, the condition may become extremely uncomfortable, and problems with swallowing, ulcers and scarring may result. Sometimes a condition known as Barrett’s ...

Karla News

Homemade Cures for a Hangover

So, you’ve had a few too many alcoholic drinks and you’re feeling kind of woozy. That’s because, once it’s consumed, alcohol is quickly dispersed into a person’s bloodstream. It then travels throughout the entire body. Drinking too much alcohol can cause slurred speech, blurry vision, difficulty in walking, slow reactions, impaired judgment, and many other ...

Karla News

Zero Carb Drinks

Recently the low carb craze has taken over the diet world. However, I was somewhat surprised to see that there is now a demand for low carb drinks for children. I understand parents wanting to limit sugars in children’s drinks, but some carbohydrates are necessary and children should not be deprived of them. While researching ...