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Healthy Alternatives to Soda

Crystal Light, How to Stay Hydrated

Healthy Alternatives to Soda #1: Water

Water is the number one healthy alternative to soda. Water not only hydrates your body better than any other drink, but water also helps you to lose weight. People should get at the very least six 8 ounce glasses of water into their diet everyday. The preferred amount is 64 ounces, but very few Americans are getting anywhere near this amount.

Healthy Alternatives to Soda #2: Green Tea

Why is green tea a healthy alternative to soda? Green tea actually boosts your metabolism, making it easier for your body to burn calories. Does soda do that? No. Be sure to look for a green tea that is decaffeinated, because caffeine promotes dehydration.

Healthy Alternatives to Soda #3: Crystal Light

Crystal Light is a healthy alternative to soda because it is calorie free. Also certain flavors of Crystal Light have added health benefits, such as vitamins. You can even get green tea Crystal Light that is flavored with honey and lemon.

Healthy Alternatives to Soda #4: Milk

Milk keeps your bones strong and studies have shown that drinking low fat milk helps you to lose weight. Milk is definitely a healthy alternative to soda. If you don’t like boring, plain milk look for low fat chocolate milk.

Healthy Alternatives to Soda #5: Vanilla Soy Milk

Soy milk is very heart healthy, making it a perfect alternative to soda. Soy milk is filled with protein, is low in fat and calories, and tastes pretty good. If you’re scared of trying soy milk, don’t be. Soy milk actually has a nutty, sweet taste.

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Healthy Alternatives to Soda #6: Freshly Prepared Juices

Making your own juice is a healthy alternative to soda. Juices that are prepared from home lack the preservatives and added sugar of juices that are store bought. Try mixing carrot juice, orange juice, and pineapple juice for flavorful morning drink.

Healthy Alternatives to Soda #7: V8 Splash

Store bought juices can be very high in sugar, but one serving of V8 Splash has a serving of fruit and vegetables. How could it not be healthy? Of course, you will want to drink this beverage sparingly, because of its sugar content.

Healthy Alternatives to Soda #8: Orange Juice

Orange juice is another healthy alternative that is good for your heart. Orange juice lowers bad levels of cholesterol. Orange juice also energizes you in the morning and helps a sore throat. If you’re looking for an healthy alternative to soda, this is one of the best.

Healthy Alternatives to Soda #9: Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has so many health benefits that I’ve included a link, in the resource section, so that you can read about why this is a wonderful alternative to soda. A few of the reasons include the amount of antioxidants, how it treats heart disease and cancer, and even how it lowers blood pressure.

Healthy Alternatives to Soda #10: Homemade Smoothies

Smoothies bought at your local drive-thru are not healthy, but smoothies prepared at home with fat free vanilla yogurt, fresh fruit, and orange juice are. These are the perfect alternative to that morning soda.
