Articles for tag: Benefits of Green Tea, Green Tea Benefits

Karla News

Catechins: Why Green Tea Bestows so Many Health Benefits

Green tea, the tasty drink associated with peace and harmony, is well known to be a very healthy one. In fact, green tea has been used for medicinal and health purposes in the Orient for thousands of years. Recently, medical research has provided empirical evidence and scientific insight into the reasons for, and the extent ...

Should You Take Green Tea Capsules?

A variety of studies have demonstrated the potential health benefits of green tea. Green tea contains a variety of powerful polyphenols such as EGCG which are thought to help reduce oxidative damage to cells which can lead to certain types of cancer as well as heart disease. It’s also been shown to have the potential ...

Karla News

Benefits of Green and White Tea

I first was introduced to green tea in 1998 when I heard a lecture by an epidemiologist about his research on Green Tea. This talk mentioned the benefit of green tea in reducing cancer rates. I did not start drinking green tea though until I was completing medical school and now in my residency, I ...

Karla News

How to Choose Fresh Green Tea Leaves

By now you’re probably familiar with the incredible range of health benefits green tea has to offer. Although you can buy green tea packaged in bottles, the health benefits of pre-prepared, bottled green teas may be significantly less due to the lower levels of catechins. To assure that you’re getting the maximal health benefits of ...