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Free CNA Courses in Wisconsin

Group Homes

A certified nursing assistant (CNA) is the eyes and ears in the patient care process. She works directly under the registered nurse (RN) to provide care in hospitals, nursing homes, group homes and even patient homes. She is responsible for assisting with activities of daily living (ADLs) and being alert and able to recognize and report skin conditions, a decline in functioning and any emergencies that may arise. CNA courses are typically taken in technical colleges, but if you are resourceful you may be able to locate a free course in your community.

High School Courses

Many high schools are now offering courses for students other than your standard subjects such as math, English and science. These classes are optional and may include the CNA course free for those who qualify. The classes are official ways to become certified as a nursing assistant.

Facility Training

Other free classes may be available in facilities such as nursing homes and hospitals. These classes are usually given within the facility by a certified instructor. The classes can last anywhere from six weeks to three months and are followed by a state test. Upon completion of the course, many of these facilities require attendees to become employees for a period of time. This benefits the facility because they have acquired the staff, and the CNA scores skills, certification and direct employment.

Finding The Freebies

For free CNA certified training in the Milwaukee area consider the following locations:

Lindengrove Heath care center begins classes every month at rotating locations such as, New Berlin, Menominee Falls, Waukesha, and Mukwonago Wisconsin. Applying online is an easy option at: Lindengrove.org

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Aurora Health Care has 13 hospitals located in eastern Wisconsin. They also own more than 100 clinics and 140 community pharmacies. No matter what area of Wisconsin you live in, there is sure to be a facility near you. They can be reached online at: Aurora.org

Wheaten Franciscan has a number of facilities in Milwaukee and surrounding areas. These include both hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. They offer free CNA classes to their employees. You may secure employment within any department, and inquire within about these opportunities. They are listed online at Wfhealthcare.jobs, or call human resources at: 414-465-3400.

Following Through

Once enrolled in the CNA course there are specific guidelines to adhere to; having a flippant approach will surely ensure your failure in this endeavor. Be aware of a few things before you begin. Be prompt and present in all meetings. The CNA class is fairly accelerated, especially if the course runs for six weeks. This means that a lot of important learning needs to be accomplished in a short time. Missing classes is a big loss. Some instructors will not allow any absences or even tardiness. Be sure you are adamant about studying the materials and keeping up with the daily lessons. Lastly, be aware of the job and what it entails. A person attempting to become a caregiver must be patient and humble, as there are many aspects of the CNA role that are neither glamorous, nor glorified. A CNA must be willing to partake in patient care, whether that patient is bed-bound or fully functioning. A CNA must be well equipped to witness all ailments and diseases and tolerate blood and other body fluids.Considerations

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Keep in mind these classes are competed for, so once you have access-don’t hesitate.