Articles for tag: Middle School Students, Middle Schoolers

Karla News

Best Free Educational Sites for Middle Schoolers

Some of the best educational sites for middle school students are free. For parents, check out these sites and bookmark the ones you like, before school starts. Because where you look determines the results, it is best to start looking for homework information on sites that have already been pre-selected. These educational sites for middle ...

Karla News

A Successful Middle School Environment

Middle school students are perhaps the most difficult students to teach. During the 3 years of junior high, a middle schoolers academic brain shuts down while the social brain works overtime. Unfortunately, these years are often the most formative of a child’s life as well. Habits – good or poor – set in middle school ...

Karla News

Unsolved Mysteries: Research PowerPoint Unit for Middle School

Middle School students love to explore the unknown and share what they have discovered. Take advantage of this natural curiosity about the unknown to develop research and presentation skills. Even reluctant learners get involved when you allow them to research and write about real life unsolved mysteries. Pre-teaching: Before beginning this hands on project, students ...

Karla News

Teaching Middle School Students the Art of Time Management

There he was. Dylan was sitting in the back of the class, eyes staring vacantly ahead, pencil at his side. All he was doing was breathing in and out. His name was on his paper but nothing else. The weeklong assignment issued to the class was begun by everybody else on Monday. It was currently ...