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Four Health Benefits of Spinach

Bone Health, Flavanoids, K2, Spinach

Spinach is a maturing annual plant. It belongs to the Goosefoot relative of the amaranthaceae Family and formerly listed under the chenopodiaceae family. Its country of origin is Nepal and some speculate Persia. Since the 15th century, spinach has been extensively cultivated for its divine leaves.

There are 13 flavonoids elements which are scientifically named methylenedioxy flavonol glucuronides.These 13 flavonoids are anticancer fighters and useful antioxidants.

Lab animals case studies on skin papillomes, a known skin cancer, shows that spinach extract administered to these animals reduced the signs of this type of skin cancer.

Spinach extract has been most productive in gastro adenocarcinomas which is a stomach cancer. When taken, spinach extract will decrease the division of cancerous stomach cells.

Spinach is an excellent source of kaempferol. Kaempferol woven throughout the spinach annual plant. A diet of kaempferol foods such as spinach have proven to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by 40%. Other foods high in Kaempferol are broccoli, non herbal tea, onions, blueberries, leeks and curly kale.

Int Journal of Cancer. 2007 Apr 30; Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 May;79(5):727-47.

Spinach consists of carotenoid. Neoxanthin and neochromes are extremely useful and effective fighters against prostate cancer. Neoxanthin in the body causes prostate cancer to self eliminate. Once Neoxanthin compounds are in the intestines, it has metamorphose to neochromes compounds. Neochromes compounds prevent prostate cancerous cells from multiplying or reproducing through balancing or inactivating the prostate cancer calls.
Citation Journal of Nutrition

Bone Health Mainentance
Spinach consists of Vitamin k1 and Vitamin k1 mutation to Vitamin k2. Vitamin k1 in spinach interrupts osteocalcen. Osteocalcen is cells which stripes the bones down, making them fragile over time.
Vitamin k1 mutates into Vitamin k2 due to Vitamin k1 intermingling with the body’s harmonious bacteria once vitamin k1 is stored into the body.Vitamin k2 has a compound known as oeteocalcium which is a bone non-collagen protein. Oeteocalcin infuses calcium molecular molecules inside the bones. For additional bone health, spinach has calcium and magnesium. Both calcium and magnesium are bone nutrient builders. A cup of fresh spinach contains 200% daily value of Vitamin K while a cup of boiled spinach is equal to 1000% daily value of Vitamin k.

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Cardiovascular Protection
Spinach is a desirable source of vitamin C and Vitamin A. Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant while vitamin A, a beta carotene concentrate is a fatty soluble antioxidant. Both vitamin fights off harmful free radicals stored in the body. The collaboration of Vitamins A and Vitamin C prohibits oxidized cholesterol.These Vitamins prevent heart stroke, heart attack, and blockage of arteries. One cup of boiled spinach is 294% of Vitamin a daily value and 29% of Vitamin C daily value. Also to prevent heart attacks and strokes, spinach consists of folate which is needed to prevent these kinds of heart complications. Spinach source of magnesium protects the heart from heart disease and decreases blood pressure. For a daily value of 39% of magnesium and 65% of foliate, you will need one cup of boiled spinach.