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Foods that Can Help You Overcome Depression

Fight Depression, Harmonie, Suicidal Tendencies

Everyone will have experienced the blues, or sadness, many times in their lifetimes, given the stress associated with our lifestyles. Intense sadness may lead to a condition of hopelessness, thoughts of suicide and cause depression. Such bouts of depression have to be dealt with care and concern. It has to be addressed at an early stage, lest the victim may get into a vicious cycle and may go deeper.

Scientists have confirmed the link between food we eat and its influence on our brain. What we think depends on what we eat. It is also important to maintain equilibrium, which is, the ability to think reasonably. The right kind of food can restore this equilibrium. Lack of adequate nutrition in the body due to poor eating habits, have been known to cause depression. Extremely low levels of cholesterol can cause suicidal tendencies, due to depression. However, depression can be corrected, by adopting the right kind of food habits and lifestyle, when diagnosed at an early stage.

Some of the interesting foods which can help fight depression are as below:

Omega 3 fatty acid – Fishes like Salmons,Tuna and Mackerels are known to help fight, depression. They contain Omega 3 fatty acid, a Poly unsaturated fatty acid. These fatty acids are not generated in the body but have to be procured from outside sources. Flax seed, Broccoli, red cabbage, soy bean, rapeseed are rich sources of these essential fatty acids.

Antioxidants – Eat foods which contain a high amount of anti oxidants, like beans and legumes, fruits like grapes, oranges, pomegranate, plum; Vegetables like sprouts, red cabbage, ginger, red beet, mint, spinach, etc. Dry fruits and nuts,

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Serotonin rich foods- A combined meal of Oatmeal, eggs & Soy milk is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid, which is a prerequisite for Serotonin, the ‘feel good Harmonie’ of the brain. This level of this neurotransmitter in the brain, determines the mood of the individual and also influences sleep. A high carbohydrate level helps in increasing the level of tryptophan. It can also be supplemented by consuming tryptophan capsules available in the market.

Vitamins – This is a very essential nutrient which regulates the mood. Carrots and other yellow fruits are the richest sources of Vitamin B. Mushrooms, broccoli, asparagus, beans, chick pea, oat meal etc. are rich sources of Folic Acid, a form of Vitamin B. Meat and dairy products are rich sources of Vitamin B12, which has the highest influence on the Mood. Vitamins D and C are also known to have a strong influence in controlling depression.

Carbohydrates & Proteins – A diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins is very essential for the body. They give ready energy for the body which can be utilized instantaneously. Fresh carbohydrates can be more refreshing and proteins help in energizing the body.

Fluids – Not drinking enough fluids also signifies poor mental health. Poor intake of liquids, lead to constipation which causes irritable behavior in the patient. The loss of body fluids in the form of urine, sweat and water vapor through lungs, have to be compensated, by consuming lot of fluids like water, juices etc. Green tea along with a few mint leaves and honey can be highly refreshing and is a good antioxidant. However, Alcohol and carbonated drinks add to the problem of depression. Even though Alcoholic drinks make one feel ‘up’ for sometime, it is a depressant itself and hence not recommended. Low amounts of Caffeine are recommended for boosting up ones spirits.

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Fresh – Fresh food is the answer for more nutrition. Always opt for fresh foods like fresh vegetables, fresh milk, fresh eggs and not packed ones. Fresh vegetables are, rich source micro nutrients, minerals, vitamins and many nutrient substances which can add to the nutrition of the body and mind in general.

Plentiful Air – The mind also needs a plentiful supply of fresh oxygen and hence regular, proper exercise has to be combined with the above mentioned food habits. Vigorous exercise and breathing techniques nourish the brain cells and help in its normal functioning. This helps in maintaining optimum levels of neurotransmitters and hence enhances positive thinking.

As a healthy body needs a wholesome supply of nutritious food, fresh air (oxygen) and sufficient liquids, the mind also needs these three basic needs for it to be healthy. This is indispensable for a healthy mind which can keep up your spirits and prepare you to face the world.

Similarly, there are certain foods which are depressants such as alcohol, sweets, foods with too many fats, beverages such as coffee and tea, etc. They have to be avoided to a greater extent, when one is in a state of depression and switch to fresh fruits & vegetables to emerge out of it.