Articles for tag: Antioxidants, Ashwagandha, Brain Function, Vitamin C

Karla News

10 Brain Supplements that Make You Smarter

Like a car that runs better on premium fuel, your brain will function better if you feed it with brain supplements that make you smarter. These may increase blood flow to the brain and, with it, oxygen. They may improve cognitive functions like memory and speed of thought. Or they may reduce your risk of ...

Karla News

Brain Exercises Keep the Doctors Away

Exercising your brain regularly will help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and memory loss, according to the Mayo clinic. The earlier you start preventing your brain from these defects, the better. Exercising your brain can be done in a variety of ways. Reading, playing puzzles, exercising or even something as simple as taking a walk ...

Karla News

8 Smart Ways to Maintain Healthy Brain Function

Do you find yourself feeling lethargic at your desk after lunch? Are you becoming more and more forgetful? Do you need to be more alert at school? Is multi-tasking becoming a thing of the past? It is possible to keep your mind from becoming as dull as number two pencil during a standardized test. Simply ...

Does Drinking Alcohol Kill Brain Cells?

Anyone who’s seen a person who’s had “one too many” knows that alcohol affects the brain. Slurred speech, incoordination, and saying inappropriate things all are reminders of alcohol’s impact on brain function. It’s sometimes said that drinking alcohol kills brain cells and can lead to permanent brain damage. Is this really true? Are you putting ...