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Food and Herbs that Are Helpful in Treating Arthritis

Anti Inflammatory, Bromelain, Holy Basil, Joint Swelling

Foods and Herbs That Are Helpful In Treating Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the most common, disturbing, painful physical problems experienced by men and women. While not oftenly leading to death, arthritis is extremely serious because it causes mild to excruciating pains upon millions of people causing disturbances in their sleep, work and other normal activities.

Medical researches estimate that nine out of ten of those over age forty already have the beginnings of arthritis, the thinning of the cartilage in the joints. Ant three out of five people with arthritis are younger than sixty-five. The following are herbs and foods that are helpful in treating the pains of arthritis.


It is derived from curcuma root and it is also known as turmeric root. Curcumin or Curcuma root has been used for centuries as a painkiller and anti-inflammatory. Scientists at Cornell University made a research on this and discovered that it was COX-2 inhibitor. COX-2 refers to the enzyme “cyclooxygenase-2” which triggers production of inflammation and pain in arthritic joints. A daily dosage of 100mg of curcuma root decreases inflammation and joint pain.


Tart cherries have been also used for centuries to treat arthritis and gout. Once again scientists intrigued by its long-standing usage made a research on this, this time at Michigan State University. They discovered that extracts from the tart cherries also had COX-2 inhibitors, as well as compounds such as ursolic and oleonsolic acids which are ten times more effective than aspirin. To get the needed amount of COX-2 inhibitors to fight arthritic pain, you would have to eat twenty raw tart cherries a day.

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The healing qualities of holy basil has been recognized for five thousand years in native India. This herb has also chemical compounds containing natural COX-2 inhibitors with anti-inflammatory effectiveness similar to aspirin and ibuprofen. A daily dose of 150mg is recommended.


Frankincence is a gum resin from the boswellin tree that is usually used as an anti-inflammatory compound. In analyzing this gum resin, a potent anti- inflammatory compound called boswellic acid was discovered. Scientists were so intrigued that they continued on studying boswellic acid and discovered that it blocked the common chemical compound “leukotrienes” in the body. This substance was identified as the one causing inflammation, decreased joint mobility and misshapen and deformed joints. Recommended dosage is 200 mg a day.


Another important compound that prevents inflammation comes from the sea cucumber also known as “beche-de-mer.” This compound has been recognized to treat arthritis in China for about a thousand years. Modern research studies revealed that substances found in sea cucumbers are helpful to “musculoskeletal” inflammatory diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers claim that sea cucumbers improve the balance of prostaglandin which regulate the inflammatory process. A dosage of 100mg a day in capsule form will be helpful in reducing joint swelling.


A recent study participated by 212 people demonstrated that those who took 1,500 mg of “glucosamine” per day ( a natural substance derived from tha shells of some deep-sea animals) experienced a 25 percent improvement in joint symptoms. This study has been done for a period of three years. Glucosamine produces compounds known as “proteoglycans.” This is a complex hydrophilic compounds that help maintain the thick cushion in cartilage by attracting water.

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The threonate compound combined with the ascorbate has a vital role in regenerating cartilage. The role of Vitamin C in joint health has been accountedFor many years.


A study revealed that garlic eaters were getting a remarkable decrease in joint pains,particularly the pain associated with degenerative osteoarthritis. Garlic inhibits one of the inflammation- causing prostaglandin hormones.

Onions contain a moderate amount of sulfur, which is important for rebuilding the cartilage, bone and various ligaments around the joints.


Sardines has higher content of the omega-3 fatty acids in certain coldwater fish. The marine fatty acids decrease inflammatory compounds such as “leukotrienes.” When these compounds are reduced, inflammation and joint tenderness are also reduced.


Natural D-alphatocopheral is the form of vitamin E one should take daily at a doseof 800 IU. This form of vitamin E, counters the effects of COX-2 and prostaglandin E2 which promote inflammation. One study revealed that arthritis patients taking supplements of natural Vitamin E for four months had a 50 perent reduction in joint pain.


These compounds has anti-inflammatory effect that inhibits the COX-2 enzyme.”Green tea” is an excellent source of these “polyphenols.”


This compound is derived from the stem and stalk of the pineapple. Use of these Substances has been found to reduce inflammation up to 60 percent by combating prostaglandin E2.


GOD’s Pathway to Healing : Joints And Arthritis

Written by Reginald B. Cherry, M. D.