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Five Men’s Body Parts that Women Love

Obliques, Showing Affection

Men aren’t the only ones who sit around gabbing gratuitously about the things they like about the opposite sex. While physical attraction is based on an interesting concoction of factors, there are some things that women in particular can agree on. Yes, contrary to popular belief, women actually do check out a man’s physique (or at the very least, as much of it as they can.) Aside from height and facial features, there are certain characteristics that drive women wild. And you just might be surprised by which little things (pun definitely not intended) ladies are actually paying attention to.

Shoulders – Gentlemen, when women embrace men, they’re not just showing affection; they’re also checking out the merchandise, so to speak. You might think that your bulging biceps are you best attribute. But chances are, your lady friend is actually checking out your shoulders, particularly the trapezius muscle. The sculpted slope of well-defined shoulders often drives women absolutely crazy. Men with lean, muscular physiques tend to have more pronounced trapezius muscles. In general, a man’s upper body is often associated with his overall strength. Perhaps it is for this reason that this specific area is attractive to women.

Those Sexy Obliques – Yes, women do like six-pack abs. But it is the little area between the hip and the lower waist that women also find particularly fetching. A man who is rather diligent about staying in shape will have pretty defined waist muscles, particularly the external obliques. If you’re unsure exactly where this area is, just take a peek at one of David Beckham’s infamous underwear ads. The little ripple of man-flesh that forms a “cut” over the side of the waistband is the area that is so beguiling to women. This, is called the transverses abdominal muscle.

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Calves – Gentlemen may not be privy to showing off their legs very often. But when they do, ladies will certainly pay attention to the calf area. Well-shaped calf muscles indicate that a man gets some form of exercise. And while women aren’t necessarily looking for Mr. Olympia, they do like knowing that a man has an active lifestyle. More than that, seeing a man with distinct calf muscles is also a sign of strength. And strength often translates to sexy.

Fingers – Contrary to what most might think, ladies aren’t focused solely on a man’s physique. Additionally, they’re paying attention to more subtle details like the fingers. Digits that are clean and taken care of are typically a must. A good number of men aren’t necessarily into having their fingernails “done.” But a great set of clean, uniform-looking nails goes a long way. More than anything, women are looking for hands that are well groomed and have some sort of “character”-or else they won’t care to have them roam too far.

Lips – Like men, women also pay close attention to the shape and texture of the lips. It is only natural that this area of the body attracts so much attention. In addition to aiding in three of the most important human functions (breathing, eating, communicating), it happens to be one of the most erogenous zones on the human body. The most desirable contour will certainly differ from woman to woman. But men should be very aware that when they speak, women are paying attention to good deal more than just what’s being said.

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