Karla News

Does the Ab Circle Pro Work?

At Home Workout, Obliques, Squidoo Lens

You have probably seen the heart-pounding, highly influential commercial touting the Ab Circle Pro. According to the television commercial three minutes on the Ab Circle is supposed to be the equivalent of 100 sit-ups. The additional benefit is that the Ab Circle Pro is supposed to work your obliques in addition to your central abs. This exercise machine can be adjusted to perform bun and thigh moves.

You’ve seen the invitation to try it from your home for $14.95 (plus $34.50 shipping and handling – Yikes!), but what you want to know is does the Ab Pro Circle work?

According to fitness expert, lifestyle consultant, and fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee, who is the face of the product on T.V., this product will help you lose your love handles and get “flat washboard abs and the sexy V shape you’ve always wanted.”

It all sounds suspiciously easy at $14.95, with a money back guarantee. Unless you can read miniscule print, you will not find out about the $34.50 shipping and handling charge until you order. It’s then that you find out the true cost of the Ab Pro Circle, 5 additional payments of $39.95. For optimal results you are encouraged to order a 30 day supply of “Fitness Complete.” These are yours free, but only the first order. Every month thereafter your credit card will be charged $29.95 + $6.95 shipping and handling per month for a new bottle of “Fitness Complete.” To be fair, you can cancel your vitamin order at any time, and the first bottle is free.

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Knowing the actual cost doesn’t make the Ab Circle Pro sound quite as appealing does it?

I always tend to be skeptical when a fitness model is promoting a product. I need to know if it works for an everyday person like me. So, I did some investigating to find out what those who had purchased the product thought.

I found I had to be careful in reading reviews of the Ab Circle Pro, because the product is part of an affiliate marketing program, which means some people are making commission by touting the product. That’s not the people I wanted to hear from either, not someone who stands to gain if I purchase the Ab Circle Pro. I still didn’t know if the exercise machine worked.

When I finally found honest answers they were about what I expected. The Ab Circle Pro Reviews Squidoo Lens basically reiterates the commercial, but the comments on the page are telling. One individual wrote that she had been using the Ab Circle Pro for two weeks, headed into the third, and that the only difference of note was in her biceps. She said she felt no difference in her abs. One commenter said that the Ab Pro Circle really works, that they had already lost five pounds. But, oops, he gave himself away when he said he just ordered his 10 minutes ago. How did he know it already works? Sounds like a bogus post to me. Others said the knee pad broke within 1 ½ weeks, while someone else said the bolts dug into their knees. Ouch!

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The real cost and reviews of the Ab Circle Pro made it less and less appealing, but just to be sure, because I love fitness products that actually work, I checked out a few more reviews. I found that other customers loathed the way the machine was made. More and more reviews began to stack my decision against purchasing the Ab Circle Pro.

One user reported not “feeling the burn” in the abs that Jennifer Nicole Lee promised, instead they, too felt more of a workout in their arms and shoulders.

I feel the ad is deceptive. First, it seems that once you purchase the trial offer of the Ab Circle Pro you begin to be pressed to continue to add on products, warranties, etc. Shipping and handling at $34.95 is not refundable, only the $14.95 for the trial of the Ab Circle Pro is refunded, and it costs an additional $34.95 to return the package. That’s $70 just to give it a try. If you make the purchase, by the time you are pressured through add-ons it is well over $200.

I’ve also concluded that there is nothing the Ab Circle Pro can do for me that traditional ab exercises, yoga, pilates, or equipment at the gym can’t do for me. I pay less for a monthly gym membership than Ab Pro Circle wants me to pay for nutritional supplements, and at the gym I can work out every part of my body, including really working my obliques, buns, and thighs.

I’ve found my answer to the question, “Does the Ab Circle Pro work?” I don’t think it does and wouldn’t waste my money on a machine that isn’t even fractionally as effective as workout equipment that is a fraction of the cost. If you are considering buying the Ab Circle Pro I would encourage you to buy a workout ball, good ab workout video, or get back in the floor doing sit-ups and leg lifts.

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Ab Circle Pro Reviews, Squidoo Lens

“Has Anyone Tried The “ab Circle Pro” If So Is It Worth The Price?” Blurtit.com

“The Ab Circle Pro Reviews,” At Home Workout Reviews