Articles for tag: Cat Eyes, Cat Vision, Cat's Eyes, Showing Affection

Karla News

Interesting Facts About Your Cat’s Eyes

“A cat’s eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world.” – Irish Legend Have you ever looked into your cat’s eyes and wondered what those beautiful eyes are seeing? Your cat’s eyes are a reflection of his many moods. If he is angry, he will narrow his pupils, and if he is excited ...

Karla News

Do You Have a Hyperactive Child?

My son is constantly on the move. It seems like he never wants to sit still I started thinking he may be hyperactive. I decided to do some research on the tropic and this is the information that I found. Most parents have nothing to worry about. What seems an abnormally high activity level to ...

Karla News

Five Men’s Body Parts that Women Love

Men aren’t the only ones who sit around gabbing gratuitously about the things they like about the opposite sex. While physical attraction is based on an interesting concoction of factors, there are some things that women in particular can agree on. Yes, contrary to popular belief, women actually do check out a man’s physique (or ...

Karla News

All About the Breed: French Spaniel

The French Spaniel is an energetic and hard working breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to purchase a pet and if this breed is right for you? This information is absolutely necessary in making the decision to purchase a pet. History While the origin of the French Spaniel remains somewhat unclear, ...