Articles for tag: Developmental Disability, Facial Features, Kabuki, Malocclusion

Prosopagnosia: The Inability to Recognize Faces

Sometime in the 1940s, a young man with a gun shot wound on the head woke up after treatment and suddenly realized he could not recognize any of his family, relatives and friends. He became one of the early medically treated cases of what is now medically and psychologically known as prosopagnosia or in lay ...

Karla News

Best Haircuts for Your Face

A haircut can drastically change your look. That is why most women do not take this matter lightly. Sometimes, it makes all the difference between looking grim to looking great. Unfortunately, not all haircuts are guaranteed to flatter your face. Women have unique facial qualities, in terms of overall shape and also the shape of ...

Karla News

How to Spot a Fake ID

Whether you’re the bartender at a local club or the cashier at a liquor store, you are responsible for selling substances that are not legally available to minors. To determine of your customer is of legal age for consumption, you will need to know how to check identification, and consequently how to spot a fake ...

Karla News

Lissencephaly: the “Smooth Brain” Syndrome

Lissencephaly Syndrome: A congenital deficiency stemming from abnormal defects of the nervous system, Lissencephaly Syndrome is a rare neurological disorder of early brain development, caused by defective neuronal migrations during the twelfth to twenty-fourth week of fetal gestation, in which brain folds and grooves do not properly form. Lissencephaly Syndrome may occur as an isolated ...