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Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally

Blood in Urine, Herb Tea, Kidney Stones

The best way to dissolve kidney stones is to develop healthy habits like increasing your water consumption, lowering your stress level, and being more active. Calcium is the most common form of kidney stones which develop when there is a high level of calcium in the urine, lack of citrate or insufficient water in the kidneys.

Urine is composed of chemicals such as magnesium, citrate, and pyrophosphate which help to prevent the development of crystals that form kidney stones. As these inhibitors decrease, especially citrate, the formation of kidney stones results.

The Chinese have used herbal teas, known specifically as kidney stone teas, for centuries to dissolve kidney stones. Natural substances such as sarsaparilla, hydrangea root, Joe-pye weed, and goldenrod, are non-synthetic medicines that can rid the body of surplus uric acid. The preparation of kidney stone tea is relatively simple and achieves positive results.

Kidney Stone Tea:
In a cup and a half of boiling water, add a little hydrangea, cramp bark and wild yam. Turn the heat down and simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. Cover and allow to stand for fifteen minutes or so then strain.

Diuretic Tea:
Add a half teaspoon each of fennel seed, oat straw, dandelion, nettle leaf, and corn silk to a quart of boiling water, remove from heat, cover and let stand for fifteen to twenty minutes before straining it. This tea is more effective taken at night and mornings.

American Wild Herb Tea:
Cover and soak for fifteen to twenty minutes, a quarter cup each of hydrangea root, gravel root, and marshmallow root, 250mg of vitamin B6, ginger capsules and uva ursi capsules. Boils for twenty minutes and strain. This potion can be frozen for storage.

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People usually resort to herbal medicines because they produce no side effects. However, as with all medication, misuse can lead to sickness and even death. Herbal treatments should be viewed as medicine and taken in proper doses. Consult your physician before trying any home remedy.

Nevertheless, prevention is the best thing to do so you can help prevent the formation of kidney stones. Begin a diet rich with vegetables, especially leafy greens, fruits, whole grains, fish and poultry. Also, high-fiber foods such as brown rice, oats, and soy.

Green tea is high in powerful antioxidants and can go a long way in helping to prevent kidney stones. One small bag of green tea steeped in one cup of hot water for five to ten minutes will give you a cup of potent antioxidants and adding a half-teaspoon of honey will make it a delicious beverage.

Cranberry juice, also high in antioxidants, has been used in hospitals for years to fight kidney stones. This tart red berry is one of the best sources for antioxidants and also helps to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Increase your fluid intake to at least fifty percent of your body weight which will greatly reduce your risk of developing kidney stones. Check the color of your urine to determine whether or not you are consuming enough fluids. The darker the urine, the more dehydrated you are. A well-hydrated person will have light yellow to almost clear urine.

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