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Britney Spears and Jennifer Love Hewitt Do Not Have “Real” Cellulite

Cellulite, Exercise to Rid Cellulite, Mesotherapy

Dr. Lionel Bissoon is a “well-known” doctor who specializes in in the treatment of cellulite, according to a press release from PRWeb. He also has a new book out, It is entitled, The Cellulite Cure. In the press release, Dr Bissoon informs us that the cellulite seen in recent photographs of Jennifer Love Hewitt and Britney Spears is not “real” cellulite.

According to Dr. Bissoon, the cellulite seen on Britney Spears and Jennifer Love Hewitt is just “functional cellulite” or “celebrity cellulite”. He states that this type of cellulite does not fit the definition of “real” cellulite and that it is not medically correct to refer to it as such. “Functional or Celebrity Cellulite” is a phrase coined by Dr. Bissoon, according to the press release.

According to Dr. Bissoon, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Britney Spears have only been photographed in positions other than standing erect with their legs together. If you only have cellulite that is visible when you are involved in some activity such as walking, bending, stooping-it is not really cellulite. Dr. Bissoon states that the pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt that show “orange peel” thighs and “cottage cheese” legs are an illusion.

Dr. Bissoon states, ” The medical definition of cellulite requires the presence of lumps, bumps and dimples in the standing position only”. He also states that this doesn’t necessarily mean that celebrities don’t have cellulite, only that you can’t believe everything you see.

Dr. Bissoon believes that 90% of all women “suffer” from cellulite. He says that cellulite (real, celebrity, functional) can only be cured by a procedure called “mesotheraphy”. A quote from his website states:

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“Pioneered by the French physician Dr. Michel Pistor in 1952, Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that is widely used in Europe and elsewhere to treat various injuries and medical conditions. This medical specialty targets problem areas with microinjections of conventional or homeopathic medicines, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Tiny “medicinal bullets” are delivered directly into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin).”

The doctor says that many celebrities have already received this treatment and that those who haven’t will soon be seeking the procedure so that they can be rid of those ” unsightly cottage cheese thighs, dimples and celebrity cellulite.”

I’m not sure if Dr. Bissoon was hoping to make the rest of us feel better or if he wanted to set the record straight and help Jennifer Love Hewitt and Britney Spears with this press release. I don’t think it accomplished either one.

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