Articles for tag: Cellulite, Exercise to Rid Cellulite, March 19, Reduce Cellulite

Karla News

Cellulite: What Works and What Doesn’t

Cellulite, its every woman’s nightmare. We dread its appearance and would do just about anything to make it go away, even run through remedies that don’t really seem to hold water. But what can we really do? What methods will really work? Is there something we can do to prevent it? What causes cellulite to ...

Karla News

Natural Treatments for Cellulite

Some people are fortunate to have good genes, which lets them gain a little weight or give birth without developing cellulite. Cellulite is commonly classified as small skin ripples. Others refer to the appearance as “loose skin.” Whatever the description adopted for the condition, cellulite is often unsightly, and many people will attempt to rid ...