Articles for tag: Arnica, Homeopathic Medicine, lavender essential oil

Homeopathic Travel Kit: Essential Items

Anyone traveling should have a good first aid kit. You never know when stings, cuts, scrapes, headaches, fever or anything else will hit your beloved family. Homeopathic medicine is based in homeopathy where a plant, herb or mineral is used to treat the disease/problem that is the same as the symptom the person affected has. ...

Homeopathic Medicine: Modern Snake Oil

Homeopathy is a hotly-debated topic these days. With the cost of prescriptions and insurance premiums raising, more and more people are seeking cheap alternatives to their medical problems. Also in its favor is the prevalence of prejudice surrounding the chemical-based remedies researched by pharmaceutical companies and the fear of side effects that can be worse ...

Karla News

Baby Cutting Teeth? Try Hyland’s Teething Tablets

Baby up all night screaming and crying, cutting teeth can be unbearable for everyone. Try Hyland’s homeopathic teething tablets. Save the Tylenol for those fevery night and give you baby relief with Hyland’s teething tablets. They are a homeopathic tablet that relieves their pain from teething. It is safe and was even recommended by my ...

Can Constitutional Homeopathy Help Me?

What is Constitutional Homeopathy? Homeopathy is a 200-year-old medical system that can be used to treat a wide variety of illnesses and issues. It is the second most used medical system worldwide A homeopathic remedy is a very small dose of a healing substance from an animal, plant or mineral. A homeopath listens to and ...