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Bacopa for Increasing Concentration

Anxiety Panic Attacks, Inflammatory Diseases

I tend to lose my concentration from time to time and one of the herbs I like to use to make a medicinal herbal tea to help improve my concentration is Bacopa. Some of you may know Bacopa as water hyssop. Bacopa is an herb that contains compounds in it known as bascosides, which contain medicinal properties that help increase the level of neurotransmitters in the brain to help increase concentration levels so a person has the ability to focus on the task they need to focus on. The herb also acts as adaptogen and helps the body cope with stress levels physically and mentally, which makes this herb perfect for treating anxiety, panic attacks and sometimes even asthma attacks due to the calming effect it has on the body.

Preparing Bacopa Medicinal Tea

I find the best way to prepare the finest potent bacopa medicinal tea is by taking a teaspoon of dried bacopa and placing it inside a small tea ball and place it into a large teapot with a liter of boiling water. Then I place the lid on the teapot and allow the herb to steep in the water for 10 minutes to help draw out the medicinal properties as well as the light golden yellow color and earthy, yet slightly bitter taste the tea has to it. If you dont like bitter tasting medicinal teas you can mellow the flavor of bacopa tea out by adding a teaspoon of raw honey or nectar syrup into it. Once the tea is made I find it best to sip on it slowly one cup at a time until I am focused and back to the task at hand that needs to be done, or until my asthma attacks has begun to ease away. Typically, my asthma attacks are caused by stress and anxiety and drinking this tea helps ease the stress and anxiety naturally by acting as a natural sedative and adaptogen.

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Other Health Conditions Bacopa Can Help Treat

Not only can bacopa help treat the lack of concentration as well as panic, anxiety and asthma attacks, but the herb is also useful for treating hypothyroidism, inflammatory diseases within the body, epileptic seizures, digestive disorders, drug induced liver damage, insomnia and memory loss. The herb has even been used to help prevent cancer, rid fungal infections from the body and help treat mild to moderate depression in people. Some people even use the herb to ease aches in pains in the body because the herb can act as a natural sedative.

Other Forms of Bacopa That Can Be Taken

If your not a fan of sipping on bacopa medicinal tea or simply don’t have the time to make it you can get the same health benefits from it using other forms such as tablets, capsules and tinctures. My personal favorite bacopa supplement to use is Herb Pharm Bacopa because it is made with pure organic bacopa and is a tincture that is easy to take. However, it does have a slight bitter taste to it that I always rid from my mouth by sipping on some juice afterwards. Now, you do not have to use this particular bacopa supplement to treat your common health conditions. You can use any supplement that works best for you and your body, but it is best to talk to an herbalist or doctor before taking this herb to treat any health condition to make sure it is right for you.

Precautions with Bacopa

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The great thing about using bacopa is there are not any side effects from using this herb unless you take an extremely high amount of it. At high doses, bacopa causes extreme drowsiness and lightheadedness so it is best to use this herb properly in small amounts at a time to see improvements your health.
